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An Evolution Model for Ceramic Forming Creativity in Skill Mastery Process
作者 李堅萍朱素貞李學然劉蕙儀
創造力是許多職業精進革新的要件,而技能又是創造力的基礎要件之一;擁有精熟技術,才能談創新。但在學校教育系統上,這卻是兩難的議題,因為專注於鑽研技能,「以技害藝」,有可能損害創意。故本研究以造形創造力為例,設定研究目的為:探索技能精熟學生之1.造形流暢力、造形變通力、造形獨創力、造形精進力,與2.造形創造力(總分)的演進形式。經汰選422名學習陶藝技術達精熟的224名大學生為研究對象,開發「造形創造力評量表」與「陶藝技能形式檢核表」兩種研究工具,經信效度考驗,於技能學習歷程的第三、八、十三、十八週,分別施測兩研究工具,獲取研究對象的造形創造力與技能形式。結論:技能精熟學生之1. 造形流暢力、造形變通力、造形獨創力、造形精進力等的演進形式分別是反倒勾型、浪紋型、倒勾型、ㄏ字型四種線型。2.造形創造力(總分)是初始便頗具程度,達到高峰後維持高原期之略呈「斜頂蓋」線型。建議教師應於學習者學習技術的歷程中,「在對的時間點及時強化」學習者的造形創造力。
Creativity is an important element of improvements and innovations in many professions, and technology is one of the basic elements of creativity. Furthermore, there can be no creativity without the mastery of skills. However, a conflict between these two arises in the education system of schools because focusing technology training could undermine students’ creativity. Therefore, this study takes forming creativity as an example, and explores a skill-mastery students’ evolution model for (1) forming fluency, forming flexibility, forming originality, and forming elaboration, as well as for (2) forming creativity (total scores). A total of 224 masteryskill university students in a ceramics craft course were selected from 422 ones to be the subjects. This study developed two research tools and that incorporated tests of reliability and validity. These two tools are referred to as “Evaluation list of forming creativity” and “Checklist of ceramic psychomotor forms.”. During an 18-week instruction semester of ceramic craft skill, this study used “Evaluation list of forming creativity” and “Checklist of ceramic psychomotor forms” research tools to obtain forming creativity and psychomotor forms from 224 masteryskill- student examples at the 3rd, 8th, 13th, and 18th weeks. There are two conclusions. (1) The four evolution models of forming fluency, forming flexibility, forming originality, and forming elaboration of skill-mastery students are inverse-reverse-J line type, wave line type, reverse-J line type, and 􀉓 line type, respectively. (2) The evolution model of forming creativity (total scores) displays a line type which is in the middle level at the beginning, maintains a plateau and slightly rises towards the end. It is suggested that teachers should strengthen learners’ forming creativity at the appropriate times during the process of learning a skill.
起訖頁 91-106
關鍵詞 陶藝造形創造力精熟技能CeramicsForming CreativitySkill Mastery
刊名 臺中教育大學學報:人文藝術類  
期數 201606 (30:1期)
出版單位 國立臺中教育大學
該期刊-上一篇 苗栗後龍新港東社道卡斯族臺灣閩南語語言變異現象初探




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