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Legal Study on the Health Information Privacy Law and Regulation Taking Electronic Medical Record Information Systems for Example
作者 黃維民 (Wei-Min Huang)
由於資訊科技產業的蓬勃發展,影響經濟甚巨,隨著國內醫院電子病歷的實施情況普及,有關電子病歷交換之相關議題也逐漸受到關注。資訊科技在醫療領域的應用,從早期的醫療機構或院所的財務會計系統之應用,發展到病歷管理電子他的應用,以及最近幾年來的電子健康紀錄(electronic health records)或電子醫療紀錄(electronic medical records)的應用,以及運用資訊系統處理醫療內容等資訊處理方式,顯示出電子病歷已成為健康照護的重要環節。建議醫療資訊系統的建置,應受到該國隱私保護政策的影響, 一般來說集中式的醫療資訊系統帶來的便利性大於透過網路傳輸者,而透過網路傳輸的醫療資訊系統的使用便利性又大於由病患保管的模式,而由資訊隱私保護的程度來看,卻又剛好相反,所以政府或是推動組織在進行醫療資訊系統的建置時,就會面臨這些問題,而既有的資訊隱私保護法,通常並不涉及系統模式的選擇,也讓資訊電子他在此有爭論的空間。但是,不管採取何種資訊系統,都應、伴隨配套的資訊保護規定,間時界定清楚保密義務的賦予,才能讓資訊在更安全、更具有效率的環境下被使用。在法律機制的運作之下,給予病患一些例如告知後同意以及隱私與機密性的保障,讓病患得以透過這些方式來控制其資訊的運用﹔但是,因為醫療服務供給的特性,讓病患不得不放棄這些權利。因 此,告知後同意的重點應該不是在狹義的同意,而是增加病患在資訊揭露時的選擇及參與。
Because of the booming information technology industry, the economic impact is very huge. With the popular implementation of Electronic Medical Records (EMR), this issue related to its exchange has begun to be concerned and discussed. The applications of information technology in the medical field, from early medical institutions or financial accounting system to develop a medical record management electronic applications, the most recent years have electronic health records or electronic medical records applications, and use information system processing medical content information handling and displays the electronic medical record has become a health care of important aspects. It recommends that medical information should be property, rather than the provision of information to collectors after the medical information that has the property interests. It also recommends that can be through disciplined approach to implementing these medical information terms of use and to Information fiduciary relationship-based, to achieve checks the results , and the competent authorities visual performance self-operation, to decide whether to enact administrative rules to regulate electronic medical information operation.
起訖頁 123-175
關鍵詞 資訊科技產業電子病例電子病例交換醫療雲端全民健保資料庫資訊隱私醫療資訊個人資料保護法IT industryElectronic Medical Record SystemsElectronic Medical Record ExchangeNational Health Insurance DatabaseHealth Information PrivacyMedical InformationPersonal Data ProtectionPersonal Data Protection Law
刊名 真理財經法學  
期數 201609 (17期)
出版單位 真理大學法律學系
該期刊-上一篇 霍布士與洛克關於社會契約的論證模式




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