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The Professional Learning Website Needs of Hospital Nursing Stations: A Needs
作者 尤翠棉許麗齡 (Li-Ling Hsu)謝素英 (Suh-Ing Hsieh)
背景:健康照護已走進資訊化時代,受到醫療環境變遷及疾病的複雜化下,國際網路上有許多護理專業網站供護理人員學習。然而此類網站國內不多且多有缺失,國外網站又因語言隔閡和文化差異,而無法全盤適用,因此國內護理專業學習網於護理人員之需求評估為刻不容緩。 目的:旨在評估護理站專業學習網之內容需求,以及探討護理人員對護理站專業學習網內容需求之影響因素。 方法:本研究為描述性研究設計,採隨機集束抽樣自北部某一醫學中心同意參與的70個病房抽出43單位之橫斷式調查(cross-sectional survey),以結構式問卷進行資料收集,發出600份問卷,有效回收571份,回收率96%。 結果:護理人員對護理站專業學習網之整體需求平均為4.03(SD = 0.70),得分最高的前三項依序為疾病照護常規注意事項、藥物查詢及檢查準備事宜,得分最低的三項依序為網站目的、學習後測驗及網路論壇的功能。年齡、婚姻、教育程度、服務科別、進階層級及工作年資對於護理站專業學習網內涵需求有顯著差異。 結論:由研究結果可將受試者對於護理站專業學習網自覺最需求之項目,作為未來進行網站規劃之參考;亦可根據不同背景之護理人員,設計最符合其需求之功能,如內外科可著重於護理業務規範說明,以減少資訊搜尋時間,提升病人照護安全。
Background: Healthcare must face the challenges of the information era. Changes in the medical sciences and increasing disease complexity have given rise to many professional learning websites designed to aid nurse learning. However, nurses in Taiwan have only a few poorly designed websites from which to choose. Language barriers and cultural differences often prevent nurses from making the best use of learning websites designed outside of Taiwan. This situation necessitates an investigation into the type of learning website content most needed by professional nurses in Taiwan. Purpose: This study aimed to investigate the types of content in a professional learning website most needed by a group of nurses and to examine factors affecting nurses’ content demand. Methods: Researchers used descriptive and correlational study designs. Random cluster sampling was used to select 43 of the total 70 nursing wards at one hospital in northern Taiwan. Subjects agreed to participate in a cross-sectional survey using a self-structured questionnaire. A total 571 questionnaires (96%) were returned out of 600 sent. Results: The average professional learning website demand score was 4.03 (SD = 0.70). The top three content categories were, respectively, instructions on nursing routines for common diseases, common medication information, and instructions on preparing for common physical examinations. The bottom three content categories were, respectively, description of website purpose, post-learning tests, and online forum. Subject age, marital status, education, hospital department, Clinical Nursing Ladder status, and work experience all significantly affected subjects’ content demand profile. Conclusions / Implications for Practice: Study findings identified the content categories in highest demand from professional nurses, which can help guide professional learning website design work in the future. Different website versions may be developed to suit different nurse needs and help nurses save time searching for information on such topics as nursing procedures and standard introductions to medical-surgical wards.
起訖頁 33-43
關鍵詞 醫學中心護理站專業學習網需求評估medical centernursing stationprofessional learning websiteneeds assessment
刊名 護理雜誌  
期數 201112 (58:6期)
出版單位 臺灣護理學會
該期刊-上一篇 融入性別平等意識於護理教育
該期刊-下一篇 探討個別性衛教對結核病患疾病認知、態度及行為意向之成效




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