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The Study of Integrating RFID Technology with Image Analysis in Building the Elders' Falling Detection System
作者 邱瑞科洪甘錠張銀益齊學平
隨著各國老人化社會的來臨,病人安全(Patient Safety)相關議題,不管是在國內還是國外在這個議題上愈來愈被重視並試著努力進行相關研究。根據許多國內外的研究,發生於住院老人意外事件之中,「跌倒」為最常發生而且往往容易產生許多重大傷害,不但危害住院老人安全,也增加社會的醫療支出。但重大跌倒傷害之發生往往都是在單獨或是偏僻的地點發生,如果要防止發生,必須花費許多醫療人力,在目前財務日益緊縮的健保體系下,無疑是雪上加霜。本研究根據對文獻和目前通訊及資訊科技的探討,企圖整合運用環場攝影機(MapCam)之影像擷取、辨識分析結合Radio Frequency Identification(RFID)病人身份之辨識及跌倒位置,輔以病人跌倒傾向的事前評估資訊來發展一老人跌倒之偵測系統。希冀藉由此一系統的協助,可提供醫療及健康照護服務業運用科技建立自動化跌倒偵測系統,並能提昇病人安全及醫療照護品質的之解決方案。
As the approaching of aging society, countries around the world pay more attention on the issues about Patient Safety. No matter in Taiwan or other countries, they work very hard attempting to effectively overcome on the issues. According to many researches in elderly accidents in hospital in Taiwan or other countries, falling accidents happen very often and usually cause serious injure. It not only threatens elderly safety but also increases social medical cost. According to the study, the major falling accidents happen with alone and the place without other people. However, Preventing from falling accidents is often costly and medical personnel consuming. It is difficulty to support from the National Health Insurance System because the financial affairs of National Health Insurance System become worse. Through the investigation from literatures and present communication and information technologies, in this research we attempt to integrate MapCam to monitor the image and process the analysis from the image collected, RFID to identify the patient identify and potential position regarding the elderly fall, and the support of the information of patient's falling tendency through the advanced evaluation to build a system to monitor and prevent falling accidents. We hope through the support of this system the medical and healthcare industry may have a feasible solution to build an automatic falling detection system as well as may enhance patient safety and the quality of medical care.
起訖頁 47-62
關鍵詞 跌倒偵測環場攝影機無線射頻身份辨識技術病人安全Radio Frequency IdentificationMapCamFalling detectionPatient Safety
刊名 醫療資訊雜誌  
期數 200712 (16:4期)
出版單位 臺灣醫學資訊學會
該期刊-上一篇 一個以電腦加速篩選癌症相關基因的兩段式方法
該期刊-下一篇 互通性醫療服務協同合作架構之研究--以腦中風病患之連續性照護為例




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