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Hui Yuan's Double Aspects: A Discussion of 'Lushan Lueji' and' You Shimen Shixu'
作者 劉苑如
As an eminent monk in the history of Chinese Buddhism, Hui Yuan 慧遠 played a key role in disseminating early Buddhist doctrines, defending the rights of monks, and debating religious issues with scholars of other philosophies during his time. His successes in these regards has been amply discussed. However, his contribution in combining the study of Buddhist hagiography with literary activities has attracted little attention. This paper, therefore, aims to view Hui Yuan as a 'practitioner,' and uses his two Mount Lu-related literary texts, 'Lushan Lueji' 廬山略記 and 'You Shimen Shixu' 遊石門詩序, to explore the significance of Mount Lu for Hui Yuan, and to interpret his study from two perspectives: the worship of a saint and as a sacred place. This analysis will show how Hui Yuan, through his writings, informs and creates a 'legendary mountain.' His writings also demonstrate how the monk/author incorporated the myths and legends of Mount Lu already in existence with his own, thereby creating for himself a Mount Lu tinted with 'Buddhist discourse.' In other words, Mount Lu is transformed into a stage, where Hui Yuan could present himself as both a literati and monk through his literary activities and religious debates.
起訖頁 71-106
關鍵詞 廬山慧遠聖人文人遊記Hui YuanMount Lusageliteratitravel records
刊名 漢學研究  
期數 200606 (24:1期)
出版單位 漢學研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 春秋戰國時期爲君父復讎所涉之忠孝議題及相關經義探究
該期刊-下一篇 試論陶淵明隱逸的倫理世界




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