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A Study on the Problems and Strategies of Reconstruction in Agricultural Village in the Earthquakes Areas on 21st September 1999 in Taiwan: A Viewpoint of Land Consolidation
作者 陳明燦
台灣自1999 年九二一震災發生以來,迄已屆三年,其間政府亦訂頒「農村社區土地重劃條例」以及「九二一震災重建暫行條例」以為因應,其中,農村社區土地重劃條例第五條第一項第四款以及九二一震災重建暫行條例第二○條第一項均明定以「土地重劃」作為震災鄉村區(農村社區屬之)災後重建之主要實施工具。但,震災重建進度牛步化,亦是不爭的事實。本文遂以南投縣埔里鎮珠仔山農村社區作為實證案例,在「衝突管理」之基點上進行研析,經由實證研究結果發現:在「實質利益衝突」方面,其主要衝突可歸納為:重劃範圍界定、配地區位以及配地比例等問題。接著,本文再探究農村社區土地重劃主管機關就上述衝突之處理方式,經由實證結果發現:「政府強勢主導」居首位,而「擱置拖延(安撫民眾)」之處理方式則居次,兩者係為主管機關處理實質利益衝突之主要方式,此與本文所提衝突處理機制(方式)顯不相當,至於其他正式處理方式所占比例甚低,例如行政管理(行政釋示)、立法方式等,實不符合重劃參與者之意願。因此,本文建議農村社區土地重劃主管機關須針對重劃區內衝突之「態樣」,據以研析一套合適之衝突管理機制,而不能因循傳統以強勢主導方式進行衝突處理。最後本文就實證地區提出若干建議:建立良好溝通模式、確立農村規劃法制、建構土地儲備制度、以及精確掌握估價技術,期能確實實現農村社區土地重劃功能,縮短災區重建所需時程。
After earthquakes caused serious damages and disasters in Taiwanon 21st, September 1999, the process of reconstruction and landconsolidation in agricultural villages of disaster areas, still unablecompleted. This paper, therefore, tries to analyze relatived issues duringthe land consolidation in the agricultural villages on the viewpoint of the“conflict management”.In order to investigate more detail, this research selected the “Chu-Tzu-San” agricultural village, which located in the Pu-Li Town of the Nan-Tou County, as an example. After analyzing, the content of the conflict inthe empirical areas is diversified. But, the governmental sectionsneglects and ignores conflicts during the land consolidation in theagricultural villages. Instead, government want to dominant in orders toreduce the time cost. This strategy causes more serious conflicts fromthe participators. At last, this paper suggests some measurements for theduring the land consolidation in the agricultural villages as follows:1. Establishment of a functional negotiation between the government andthe participators.2. Improvement the legal based for the land use planning system in therural areas.3. Establishment of a functional “Land-Banking System” in theGovernment.4. Improvement the technique of the land price appraisal.
起訖頁 23-56
關鍵詞 九二一震災農村社區土地重劃衝突管理Earthquakes on 21st September 1999Land Consolidation in the Agricultural VillageConflict Management
刊名 農業經濟叢刊  
期數 200212 (8:1期)
出版單位 臺灣農村經濟學會
該期刊-上一篇 災後重建的經濟評估:以九二一震災為例
該期刊-下一篇 排放權交易、跨國聯合減量與減量成本極小化




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