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從死與死亡的區分開展萊維納斯以倫理觀點對海德格存有論之批判: 以《存在與時間》為例
Levinas' Criticism on Heidegger's Ontology, from the Disparity of Dying and Death to Ethic: An Example on Being and Time
作者 楊婉儀
According to Levinas' interpretation of Being and Time, although Heidegger attempts to distinguish his ontology from traditional philosophy, in Heidegger's ontology which constructed of taking Being as priority, the implication of man is still restricted to Being's mode, so that the problem of man and ethic has been concealed. From this point of view, Levinas' translation and interpretation of Heidegger's thought, refers to his concern transiting from ontology to ethic, and is also relating to his attempt to respond to Heidegger and effort to develop his own thought. When reading Levinas' criticism and response to Heidegger, we found that Levinas attempts to distinguish Dasein, from the subject of responsibility that he cares, through the difference between “die (le mourir)” and “death (le mort)”. If Levinas' subject of responsibility is based on existence (l'exister) so as to be responsible for others, then the subject Dasein in Heidegger's thought that is bound up tightly with the death, would demonstrate what kind of life tonality (die Stimmung/la tonalité)?
起訖頁 235-262
關鍵詞 海德格萊維納斯此在存有論倫理HeideggerLevinasDaseinOntologyEthic
刊名 思與言  
期數 201609 (54:3期)
出版單位 思與言雜誌社
該期刊-上一篇 「臺灣發展博弈產業之商機與危機」座談會
該期刊-下一篇 民主、平等與對話:博雅/住宿學院(書院)教育的理念與實踐 ──以政治大學國際發展書院為例




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