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Changes and Developments in the History of Main Constructive Elements of Disyllabic Roots: Commentaries of the Annotations of the Chinese Classics
作者 李正芬
A variety of spellings, annotations, and variants of diverse versions were made by different annotators from the Han to the Southern Dynasties, which are recorded in the Annotations of the Chinese Classics經典釋文. This paper discusses the disyllabic roots in the Annotations of the Chinese Classics, and compares the differences of form, sound, and meaning through spellings, annotations, and variants. We can find that almost all the annotators at different times usually made changes to the disyllabic roots or sounds in order to make the form, sound, and meaning of two syllables of disyllabic roots much more harmonious than they were previously. These changes were considered to be the results of adjustments over a long period. In the work, Annotations of the Chinese Classics, there is a thorough understanding of language regularity of disyllabic roots from the Han to the Southern Dynasties. We can gain a rich knowledge of the features and characteristics of the disyllabic roots by comparing the changes that had been made by the different annotators of the same age; we can also realize the continuous changes of the disyllabic roots by analyzing historical developments.
起訖頁 105-133
關鍵詞 聯綿詞經典釋文音義陸德明漢魏晉南北朝disyllabic rootsAnnotations of the Chinese ClassicsyinyiLu DemingHan and Six Dynasties
刊名 漢學研究  
期數 200612 (24:2期)
出版單位 漢學研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 身體表演與魏晉人倫品鑒──一個自我「體現」的角度
該期刊-下一篇 論法門寺唐代〈衣物帳〉中的個體量詞




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