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A Semiotic Exploration of Two Concrete Poems
作者 吳正芬
圖像詩,詩中有圖、圖中有詩、圖文合併,具結合文字符號與圖像符號的詩美學特質。本研究借由兩項實驗探勘詩文本以文字融合圖像呈現詩藝,會帶給閱讀者什麼不一樣的讀解,並以符號學的視角分析閱讀者的讀解表現。第一項實驗,進行詩文閱讀眼球移動資料分析。因眼動儀是記錄眼球移動的利器,本研究的資料收集,即使用SR Research 所製作的眼動儀Eye Link 1000 為主要工具,記錄受試者閱讀詩文本的眼動行為,並以DV 及統計資料呈現結果,作為研究資料分析。本研究主要採用個案研究質性分析。以兩首圖像詩(詹冰的〈水牛圖〉及陳黎的〈為宇宙家庭之旅的海報〉),呈現文字符號詩文本及圖像詩文本,由兩位受試者交叉閱讀,隨後寫下詩的主題內容與讀後感想,並由筆者與受試者進行個別訪談、紀錄其閱讀與受測經驗。借由受試者閱讀詩文本的眼動資料與訪談資料,分析並比較其文字符號詩文本與圖像詩文本的讀解差異。研究結果顯示:兩位受試者的眼動行為差異頗大。同一首詩,以文字符號詩文本和圖像詩文本型式呈現,果真會帶給讀者不同讀解。詩文融入圖像符號,的確為視讀者增添了想像空間而更近作者核心思想。第二項實驗,則由五位受試者直接閱讀以上兩首圖像詩原著文本,並隨後寫下詩的主題內容與評論或讀後感想,作為語料。據此,筆者以符號學的視角分析其圖像詩的讀解。結果發現,無論文字符號或圖像符號,都是讀解圖像詩的重要因素。由以上兩項實驗研究結果可推見:閱讀圖像詩,無論是詩入圖或圖入詩,其賞析與教學,都不能將圖與詩文分開。結合圖與文,圖像詩才能突顯其深層意義與美感特質。本研究不但開啟「眼動」應用於詩文本閱讀表現的實驗探索,更以符號學的視角分析閱讀者的讀解表現。期許研究結果能裨益圖像詩的教學與賞析,並提供學界更多相關學術研究的參考。
Reading concrete poetry with image signs and in verbal text involves both semiotics and aesthetics. Using semiotic perspectives, this research carried out two experiments to analyze the reading comprehension of the significant complex of signs in two concrete poems. Through qualitative analysis of case studies, the research explored how different processes of reading visual and verbal signs influence meaning construction in reading two Chinese concrete poems: Bing Zhang's Water Buffalo and Li Chen's Family Trip in the Universe Poster. Experiment 1 was a preliminary exploration of poetry reading performance and meaning construction via eye movement data collected using the Eye Link 1000 Remote Model Eye Tracker and analyzed using Data Viewer. Each poem was presented to two Mandarin-speaking adult readers in original text with concrete image signs and in verbal text-only. After writing down their comprehension of the poems, the readers were asked questions concerning their interpretations, difficulty level, the functions of the visual presentations, and evaluation of their reading behavior. It was found that eye movement behaviors were quite different in the two reading trials (one original and one text-only) of the same reader, and also in the two versions (original and text-only) of the same poem by the two different readers. Image symbols add imaginations to their readers and are closer to the author's core thought. They do expand the possible interpretations of the poems. In Experiment 2, five Mandarin-speaking adults read the original concrete poems and then answered questions eliciting their criticisms and responses with the result that the verbal-text signs and concrete-image signs both contributed equally to the reading and appreciating of the two concrete poems. Based on the results, it is suggested that in the teaching and appreciation of concrete poems, image signs and verbal text are equally important and combing the reading of image signs and verbal text would create an aesthetic and imaginative reading experience. The study demonstrates that using eye-movement analysis and interviews allows increased understanding of the semiotics and aesthetics involved in poetry reading. It is expected that the findings of this research will be of great benefit to the teaching and studies on poetry.
起訖頁 199-238
關鍵詞 符號學圖像詩文本符號眼動讀解semioticsconcrete poetrytext signeye movement
刊名 彰化師大文學院學報  
期數 201603 (13期)
出版單位 國立彰化師範大學文學院
該期刊-上一篇 借鏡與反思:臺灣士紳林獻堂觀見的美國




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