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Development of the Jinwen School Based on Gong Zizhen's Citing Classics to Criticize Political Situations During the Qing Dynasty
作者 張麗珠
學術思想豐富博贍且兼有文采的龔自珍,生當19 世紀清廷由盛轉衰的嘉道間。其外祖、著名考據學者段玉裁嘗親授以字學,他又從受公羊學於劉逢祿,出入今、古文,並涉獵史學、諸子學與佛學等,是為清代學風從乾嘉考據學轉向晚清今文學,以及嘉道間強調社會變革主題的經世思潮代表人物。其於晚清學風及維新變法,具有鼓動作用的重要影響力。本文主要是將龔氏譏切時政的變法諍言,置諸清代今文學闡發微言大義的「經例闡發/援經議政」學術網絡中加以觀察,以融合學術思想和政治社會的視域,考察其所代表的嘉道今文學走向;並針對學界若干不同觀點的看法,如龔氏劃歸今文家之適切性、龔氏「由亂而治」之歷史觀和「由治而亂」之宇宙觀的今文關聯,以及他圍繞著「如何救弊」和「尊人才」核心思維展開的尊心、尊史、尊子等系列思想之內蘊深度等問題,進行討論。
Gong Zizhen, a knowledgeable and talented Chinese writer, was born in the 19^(th) century around the time when the Qing Dynasty began falling apart. His grandfather, Duan Yucai, was a famous scholar and personally taught Mr. Gong the study of Chinese phonology when he was young. Furthermore, Gong Zizhen also learned the ideology of the Gongyang School from Liu Fenglu. In addition to contemporary and ancient literature, Gong Zizhen dabbled in history, a number of philosophies, and Buddhism. His literary works placed great emphasis on social reform, and he represented the turning point where Chinese intellectuals began to become concerned with contemporary literature instead of just phonology. Gong Zizhen had a significant influence on the literature styles of the late Qing Dynasty and the Hundred Days' Reform. The aim of this study is to discuss the development of the Jinwen School during the reigns of Emperor Jiaqing and Emperor Daoguang from the perspective of Gong Zizhen, through his political and social thoughts as expressed in his writings. Furthermore, this study compares different comments of modern scholars to determine the compatibility of Gong Zizhen's literary works with the Jinwen School, as well as the relationship between Gong Zizhen's historic and world viewpoints and the Jinwen School. Finally, this study explores the core ideology of Gong Zizhen's thoughts, such as correcting defects and showing intellectuals' respect, in order to evaluate how he interpreted the importance of honoring the mind, history, and ancient Chinese philosophers.
起訖頁 93-121
關鍵詞 「三世」說「三時」說尊心尊史賓賓the three stages of historic developmenthonoring the mindhonoring historyhonoring guests of alien tribes
刊名 彰化師大文學院學報  
期數 201603 (13期)
出版單位 國立彰化師範大學文學院
該期刊-上一篇 讀寫示徑:蔣祖怡與一九四O年代的國文教育
該期刊-下一篇 大學英文教育之政策面與執行面:個案研究




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