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The Study of Zhong Xing's Shijing Opinions
作者 賴昭君
The Late Ming Dynasty is a prevalent age of annotations atmosphere gained popularity. At that time, many literati to be affected with the philosophy of mind, Neo-Confucianism from Song and Yuan Dynasty, their annotations works reflected personal comprehension, and entrusted their emotions. The literati attached importance to the beauty of the writings, and looking down on the explanation of the sentences and the words is the atmosphere in that age, at the same time, the annotations of Shijing (The Book of Songs) formed a upsurge, Zhong Xing lived in the age, his works of annotations was affected with the big circumstance too. The Ming Dynasty's study of Confucian classics had not obtained better valuation, just because most scholars emphasized the pure study of Confucian classics, and ignored the achievements of the arts from the criticism and punctuation in Confucian classics. The scholars of Qing Dynasty even lessened Zhong Xin as 'the monster of poem' that standpoint of Defending Conventional Feudal Values, turned back until the Republic of China was founded. This research explored the Core Issue of Zhong Xing's Shilun (The Discussion of the Poetry), and Zhong Xing's Shijing annotations, the main contents include the reaction of Zhong Xing's Shijing annotations to the authorities from the study of Confucian classics, the historical background background of Shilun, the investigations on this book's Version, age, and I will expound the realistic significance from the research of this book's finish times. Besides, this research borrowed some conceptions of the western hermeneutics to inspect the concepts of Zhong Xing's Shilun, moreover, explained his influences and evaluations.
起訖頁 37-58
關鍵詞 鍾惺《詩經》評點竟陵派明代Zhong XingShijing (The Book of Songs)annotationsJing Ling SchoolMing Dynasty
刊名 彰化師大文學院學報  
期數 201603 (13期)
出版單位 國立彰化師範大學文學院
該期刊-上一篇 會議言談插話現象之禮貌策略研究:以大學英語學習者為例
該期刊-下一篇 讀寫示徑:蔣祖怡與一九四O年代的國文教育




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