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A Children Welfare Information Service - base on NGIS Open Data
作者 李亦君許一珍林仁智蘇郁惟
近幾年常常可以在報章雜誌中看到關於兒童升學壓力大、兒童被霸凌或兒童行為偏差等報導,這些情形的發生使大家開始關心兒童在校園中的學習狀況及其心靈健康。除此之外,憂鬱症年齡有逐漸下降的趨勢,因此,本研究結合國土資訊系統中的開放資料(open data)實作一款行動軟體應用程式(mobile application, App) ─ 心情地圖日記,藉由多媒體日記記錄來幫助兒童達到身、心靈皆健康的目的。隨著科技的發展,政府近年來開始積極推動開放資料,使社會大眾的生活更加便利。因此,本研究透過下載經濟部國土資訊系統(national geographic information system, NGIS)所提供開放資料中的氣象資訊服務,透過氣溫及降雨機率的判斷,提供兒童不同衣著及裝備上的提醒。除此之外,本研究亦針對氣象與心情之間的關係進行研究,從研究中發現二者之間有某種程度上的關聯性。因此,本研究亦提供兒童心情抒發之管道,以幫助父母瞭解在何種天氣下需提高對兒童的關心。除了App外,亦針對父母端製作了雲端資訊平台,讓父母可登入雲端資訊平台即時關心兒童心情及所在地。本研究以文獻探討及問卷調查分析天氣與兒童心情之間的關聯性,並利用科技接受模式(technology acceptance model, TAM) 知覺有用性、知覺易用性以及使用者態度與意向進行分析,由問卷結果顯示,各面向分析均呈現正向結果,未來本應用程式將進行長時間資料收集,以利於推測兒童心情之變化,對兒童帶來更多的幫助。
the unhappiness of children. In the past few years, more and more children’s problems have been diagnosed on both physical and mental levels. The age of initial melancholia diagnosis has also decreased. As a consequence, the public starts to focus on their mental health and learning environment. Unfortunately, it is difficult to arrange manpower to observe children’s behaviors all the time. This research tries to solve this situation. A mobile application, “Happy Map Diary”, is proposed as an autonomous alternative. This app provides an easy approach for children to release their feelings and stresses in a diary format. According to the users’ feedback, this application does make significant efforts on recording kids’ daily behaviors and improving both their psychological benefits. Moreover, the application not only concerns children’s psychological health, but also cares the impact factor to affect their mood and their physical health. The changes of weather do influence children’s daily life. With the development of information and communication technology, the government endeavors to issue governmental open data to improve the conveniences of citizens. Therefore, “Happy Map Diary” can be designed and developed to advice suitable outfits for kids based on current temperature and humidity (raining possibility), which are instantly requested from and offered by NGIS (National Geographic Information System). After children build a diary, the application automatically synchronous the status with our cloud storage and concerned parents can access their account to review kids’ diary and walking path if more attention is required. The correlation between weather and feelings are reviewed and verified by both questionnaire survey approach and literature review approach. We also apply the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) to examine the perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, attitude toward using and behavioral intention to use. The statistics result and user feedback is satisfied and convinced. In the future, the application and team will keep updating to support children welfare and health.
起訖頁 107-130
關鍵詞 兒童憂鬱症開放資料行動軟體應用程式國土資訊系統(NGIS)雲端資訊平台科技接受模式(TAM)kids’ melancholiaopen datamobile applicationnational geographic information systemcloud-databasetechnology acceptance model
刊名 電子商務研究  
期數 201603 (14:1期)
出版單位 國立臺北大學資訊管理研究所
該期刊-上一篇 網路購物平台之選擇決策




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