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Reading the Mind of Mobile Applications Purchasers: Explore New Opportunities for M-Commerce
作者 何淑君陳詩佳林勢敏
手持式設備的日益精進和行動上網的成本下降使得行動上網已經成為許多人日常生活中不可或缺的一部分,消費者行為模式改變替行動商務帶來了新商機。本研究的目的在深入了解影響消費者購買行動應用軟體的重要因素,發掘行動商務新商機。研究方法使用隱喻誘引技術 (Zaltman metaphor elicitation technique; ZMET)來深入瞭解消費者購買行動應用軟體的經驗和想法,並輔以攀梯法技術萃取重要概念,進而建構出使用者的心智地圖與共識地圖。研究發現主要有三:第一,價錢、便利性、功能性、愉悅、娛樂、建構自我形象都是影響消費者購買行動應用軟體的重要因素。第二,影響消費者購買行動應用軟體的動機基本上以情緒價值和功利價值為出發點,若是具有社會互動功能則更能獲得消費者的青睞。第三,在購買行動應用軟體前產生的期待感、使用過程中的愉悅感、得到物超所值的服務或產品的滿足感,或發現該軟體服務不如預期而產生認知落差,都會影響消費者的對該軟體的認知價值與口碑。本研究在理論上的貢獻為透過顧客認知價值與社會互動的理論框架來解釋行動應用軟體的購買行為。實務貢獻為提供行動應用軟體開發商與行動商務發展具體且創新服務之依據。
The proliferation of mobile applications provides a great variety of choice for consumers. The variety of choice ignites fierce competition for mobile apps developers. This objective of this paper is to identify the critical factors that affect consumers’ decision of mobile applications (apps). To understand consumers’ deep thinking and experience of buying mobile apps, we applied Zaltman Metaphor Elicitation Technique (ZMET) to interview heavy users who have purchased mobile apps. We further built the mental map and consensus maps to explain consumers’ experience of purchasing and using mobile apps. There are three major findings. First, the critical factors that affect consumers’ buying decision of mobile apps include price, convenience, functionality, entertainment, pleasure, and self-image. Second, consumers’ purchase decisions are primarily based on utilization and emotion value. However, the value of social interaction can further attract consumers. Third, the expectation of mobile apps (before purchase) and enjoyment, satisfaction, or disappointment of mobile apps (after purchase) all contribute to the cognitive value or word-of-mouth of mobile apps. Our findings provide insights for practitioners to create business opportunities for mobile commerce.
起訖頁 431-459
關鍵詞 行動商務行動應用軟體顧客認知價值社會互動隱喻誘引技術consumer perceived valuemobile applicationsmobile commerceservice qualitysocial interactionZaltman metaphor elicitation technique
刊名 電子商務研究  
期數 201512 (13:4期)
出版單位 國立臺北大學資訊管理研究所
該期刊-上一篇 行動社群使用意願之影響因素探討
該期刊-下一篇 品牌態度與品牌依附對於消費者手機品牌選擇的重要性比較--心理抗拒與自我建構的調節角色




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