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Using the Theory of Planned Behavior Model to Analyze the Intention for Wearable Device – The Case Study of Google Glass
作者 李慶長張銀益黃柏翔
隨著科技與網路的快速發展,智慧型手機現今已經成為人們生活的一部分,而引領下一個潮流的行動裝置就是本文所探討的穿戴型裝置。由於穿戴型裝置目前還在起步階段,而採用狀況也成為目前最熱門的話題,因此本文的研究主題即為針對穿戴型裝置中的Google眼鏡之採用情況與影響因素做深入探討與研究採用情況是否會跟過去的科技產品相同。 本文問卷分為紙本與網路,共發放了301份問卷,回收283份,進行無反應偏差、信效度與結構路徑分析,研究結果顯示潛在使用者對於Google眼鏡的採用,除知覺易用性以外,態度、主觀規範與知覺行為控制等其他構面具有正向顯著效果,顯示即使穿戴型裝置的採用上,即使潛在使用者未能接觸到這些產品,仍可明確了解哪些因素會影響潛在使用者的採用狀況,且可提供設計與行銷企業未來的規劃方向。
Under the rapid development of technology and network, smartphones have now become part of people’s daily life. Today the thesis goes one step further to discuss the next leading-trend mobile gadget-wearable devices. As wearable devices are still in the early stage of development, the future adaptation has also drawn the attention of many. With this in mind, the subject of the study focuses on exploring one of the most representing wearable devices—Google Glass, to do an in-depth research on its actual practicality along with the related influencing factors and also, to see if there are any usage difference comparing with other previous technology products. 301 questionnaires are released via paper and internet and in total 283 copies were collected. The samples then undertook t-test, test of reliability and validity and path analysis. The results of the study showed that in addition to the perceived ease-of-use, attitude, subjective norm and other perceived behavior control factors still play significant roles to potential users’ perception of Google Glass. In other words, even when potential users have not yet experienced in person the wearable devices, it is still obvious to identify the key elements that will influence their acceptations which in turn gives companies a clearer direction when deciding marketing plans.
起訖頁 315-334
關鍵詞 解構式計畫行為理論計畫行為理論穿戴型裝置Google眼鏡decomposed theory of planned behaviortheory of planned behaviorwearable deviceGoogle glass
刊名 電子商務研究  
期數 201509 (13:3期)
出版單位 國立臺北大學資訊管理研究所
該期刊-上一篇 我喜歡LINE,所以我購買貼圖!--應用程式內購買之研究
該期刊-下一篇 無所不在的大專生人才推薦系統--以實踐大學資管系為例




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