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The Influence of SoLoMo Marketing on Offline Buying
作者 李月華
SoLoMo marketing is emerging as a new marketing campaign to approach to the target consumers and would be widely used to increase consumers’ campaign response. Due to the operational differences in consumer behavior between traditional marketing and mobile marketing, the influences of SoLoMo marketing for retailers and what factors influencing the response of SoLoMo are worthy of study. This study investigates the effects of SoLoMo marketing conducted by Cosmed drugstore with the cooperation of UrCosme website, which offer local-based push message and word-of-mouth query service. An online survey was adopted with a sample that is a member of UrCosme and owns an iPhone. This research used snow-ball sampling and 156 valid questionnaires were collected. Analytical results indicate that consumers would increase their product purchase intension when using SoLoMo campaign. The trust in social media can positively influence consumer’s response to SoLoMo campaign. Furthermore, the characteristics of social platform perceived by consumers, such as updating, interactivity, self-disclosure, and business intentions, can substantially influence consumer’s trust in social media.
起訖頁 87-111
關鍵詞 行動行銷適地性服務社群媒體購買意願mobile marketinglocation-based servicesocial mediapurchasing intention
刊名 電子商務研究  
期數 201503 (13:1期)
出版單位 國立臺北大學資訊管理研究所
該期刊-上一篇 樂當低頭族?智慧型手機行動 應用程式之使行為與孤寂感的關聯
該期刊-下一篇 遊戲類App:下載因素、下載機率、市場佔有率、以及Google與Apple平台間掠奪率




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