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Effects of Facebook Engagement on Sense of Virtual Community: A Media Experience Perspective
作者 江亦瑄
本研究嘗試運用「媒介投入感」(media engagement)的概念,著重閱聽人「媒介體驗」(media experiences),即對媒介內容產生使用、關注、反應、情感回應,運用於探討社交網絡服務之媒介體驗因素如何影響社群意識。由於「社交媒介」(social media)具有人際交往、分享資訊及情感交流等特質,此類平台已滲透日常生活,對於使用者認同、歸屬或行動參與等心理與行為層面,均有相當程度的影響。而「虛擬社群意識」(sense of virtual community)旨在探討成員的歸屬、支持、情感連結等感受。 本研究以全球最大社群網站「臉書」(Facebook)之台灣使用者為對象,試圖瞭解其成員「媒介投入感」程度與「虛擬社群意識」之關聯性,以及不同使用者可能存在之差異。透過網路樣本資料庫(panel database)及線上問卷進行資料收集,經篩選刪除無效問卷,共計獲得有效樣本5,148份。研究結果發現,臉書使用者的「社交媒介投入感」(social media engagement)包括「效用激勵」、「社交沉迷」、「娛樂消遣」等三個「社交媒介體驗」(social media experiences)構面,分別與本研究因素分析產生之「虛擬社群意識」(sense of virtual community)兩個構面:「認同需求」、「友誼支持」,呈現高度相關性。此外,資料分析結果呈現社交媒介使用者的年齡、就業狀態、社交媒介投入感程度,皆為重要影響因素,能顯著解釋其虛擬社群意識高低,其中以社交媒介投入感的「效用激勵」、「娛樂消遣」等兩構面,是為最具預測力之變項。
This paper adopted the concept of “media engagement” to discuss the users’ feelings of attention and affection derived from social media experiences. Social media allow users to connect with others, share information, and exchange emotions. Facebook, as the most popular social network in Taiwan, offers individuals with the same interests to interact, the possibilities of networking and sharing media. This platform has broad appeal and links people across demographic boundaries to develop their collective identity on an everyday basis. In order to explore how users perceive the sense of group on social media platform, this research adopted the concepts and measures of “sense of virtual community (SOVC),” which is related to belongs, support, influence, and emotional connection. The current study utilized a cross-sectional survey (N = 5,148) of an online panel of participants in Taiwan to explore social media engagement and SOVC. More specifically, the study explored gender, age and occupation differences in Facebook engagement and SOVC, as well as the relationship between levels of engagement and SOVC levels. Results indicated that sub-dimensions varied as a function of gender, age and occupation. Positive relationships were found between the higher engagement and increase of SOVC.
起訖頁 357-376
關鍵詞 社交媒介媒介體驗媒介投入感社交網絡服務虛擬社群意識social mediamedia experiencesmedia engagementsocial networking serviceense of virtual community
刊名 電子商務研究  
期數 201412 (12:4期)
出版單位 國立臺北大學資訊管理研究所
該期刊-下一篇 購物網站頁美學使用者知覺類型之初探 購物網站頁美學使用者知覺類型之初探




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