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Automated Product Matching (APM) in the Global E-business Market
Automated Product Matching (APM) in the Global E-business Market
作者 Shin-Ping Liu Tucker (Shin-Ping Liu Tucker)Dennis Tucker (Dennis Tucker)
In today’s global e-business market there are many large companies trying to maintain a grasp on their share of the third-party seller market. Amazon1, eBay2, Google3 and Sears4 are some examples of these companies. A large part of these companies’ profits come from third-party sellers and technology is the key to success. Buyers must be able to find products and the products must have information that is complete and accurate. The problem is the lack of an “accepted” standard for identifying products makes it hard for third-party sellers to put their products up for sale with complete and accurate information in the global e-commerce market. Automated Product Matching (APM) attempts to solve this problem by using computer algorithms to match products using search queries across multiple marketplaces, find proprietary product identifiers for a product and optionally convert product identifiers from one type to another. Automated Product Matching helps third-party sellers match products they are selling to existing product information and allows them to obtain and use accurate information.
起訖頁 453-461
關鍵詞 product matchingautomated product matchingthird-party seller markete-business
刊名 電子商務研究  
期數 201312 (11:4期)
出版單位 國立臺北大學資訊管理研究所
該期刊-上一篇 消費者知覺風險與知覺價值對購買意圖之影響:社群網站服務之實證研究




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