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The Effects of Interaction Mechanism, Ambiguity and Dyad context On Knowledge transfer Performance: An Integrated Framework and Empirical Study
作者 沈慶龍楊婉菁
In the era of knowledge-base economy, the well-developed information technology, the changes of market structure and the intense market competitions have induced every enterprises to devote themselves to acquire new knowledge and technology externally. Under the circumstances of limited resources and capabilities, companies have to seek for collaborations and engage in transferring the needed knowledge to gain the essential resources, reduce risks and keep competitive advantages. After reviewing the related literatures, we find that the researches on knowledge transfer have increasingly attracted attentions from academy and practitioner. However, the influential factors on knowledge transfer performance have been extracted from different approaches, and there still remains some unresolved issues. Therefore, this study will try to adopt an integrated framework to examine the causal linkage structure which outline the relationships within the antecedents, intervening variables and knowledge transfer performance. The samples of this study were drawn from the high-tech industry from Hsingchu, Taichung and Tainan Science Parks. 233 effective respondences were collected with 33.28% effective return rate. This study adopted LISREL as the statistical analysis method to test the hypotheses and examine the structural model. The major conclusions include: (1) Organizational learning capability has a significant positive impact on interaction mechanism, and thereafter a positive impact on the knowledge transfer performance. (2) Tacitness、complexity and partner protectiveness have a significant positive impact on the ambiguity, and thereafter a negative impact on knowledge transfer performance. (3) The compatibility between partner’s characteristics has a significant positive impact on dyad context, and thereafter a positive impact on knowledge transfer performance.
起訖頁 171-207
關鍵詞 知識移轉模糊性互動機制雙鏈系絡因素夥伴特質組織學習能力Knowledge transferAmbiguityInteraction mechanismDyad contextPartner DiversityOrganizational learning capability
刊名 電子商務研究  
期數 200906 (7:2期)
出版單位 國立臺北大學資訊管理研究所
該期刊-上一篇 交易成本觀點下電子商店購買意願之研究
該期刊-下一篇 部落格負面外部性之探索




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