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The Implications of Senior Syllabus 2001of Home Economics implemented in Queensland, Australia
作者 許美瑞
The purpose of this study was to explore the implications of Senior Syllabus 2001of Home Economics implemented in Queensland, Australia. Document analysis and field visit were used to collect and verify data for investigation. Home Economics in Australia could be regarded as a new subject because it was not included in the Eight Key Learning Areas of K-12 Curriculum Guidelines 1996. The contents of exploration included rationale, global aims, general objectives, language education, quantitative concepts and skills, course organization, learning experiences, areas of study, assessment and so on. This paper concluded five implications of the syllabus that depicted as follows: (1) The practical rationale, aims, and objectives presented in the syllabus make home economics as a powerful prototype in curriculum to promote the development of knowledge economics. (2) The course organization within the syllabus is full of flexibility. (3) Home Economics is an integrative subject to promote the learning of communicative skills, quantitative concepts, and the other Key Learning .Areas in the school curriculum that it focuses on the well-being of individuals and families in everyday activities. (4) Learning experiences developed in the syllabus provide students with multi-perspectives to deal with the well-being of individuals and families in everyday activities. (5) Learning activities tend to be assessment oriented due to the QSA pay more attentions to post-hoc analysis among teaching, learning, and assessment. Moderation is a powerful strategy to ensure effectiveness of students' achievement related to Home Economics.
起訖頁 23-40
關鍵詞 家政高級中學課程澳洲昆士蘭食物學織物學生活環境ome EconomicsSenior Secondary SchoolCurriculumQueenslandAustraliaFood StudiesTextile StudiesLiving Environments
刊名 家政教育學報  
期數 200309 (5期)
出版單位 國立臺灣師範大學人類發展與家庭學系
該期刊-上一篇 家庭生活教育專業化之經驗:以美國經驗為例
該期刊-下一篇 故事討論對幼兒道德推理影響之研究--以具「分享」內涵之故事討論為例




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