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The development and current status of U.S. school lunch program
作者 林薇
The National School Lunch Act Passed by US congress in 1946, emphasized the school lunch program's value to the health, education, and welfare of children. The USDA established the first nutritional requirements for three types (A,B,C) of school lunch in 1946. The passage of the Child Nutrition ACT of 1966, established the School Breakfast program and expanded school meal program to preschool children. In 1980, legislation was enacted cutting back federal support for Children Nutrition Program to reduce federal domestic spending. In 1988, congress passed the Hunger Prevention Act, which increased the cash subsidy for Child Nutrition Programs. School lunch program supplied a double benefit: assisting in the building of sound nutritional habits and helping provide needed food elements to children during the critical growing age. Therefore, the nutritional quality of school lunch is important. Recent study has shown that the nutrient composition of school lunch did not meet the current dietary standards. The School Meal Initiatives for Healthy Children of 1995 offered new nutrition standards for school lunch program. The development and changes of US School Lunch Standard provide valuable reference for reforming Taiwan School Lunch Standard.
起訖頁 29-44
關鍵詞 學校午餐午餐標準school lunchmeal standard
刊名 家政教育學報  
期數 199908 (2期)
出版單位 國立臺灣師範大學人類發展與家庭學系
該期刊-上一篇 家政融入中小學一貫領域課程之澳洲實例
該期刊-下一篇 新加坡中學家政教育之研究




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