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Constructing Fairness: The Evolution and Effects of Pigeon Oceanic Racing in Taiwan
作者 簡妤儒黃亞晴
台灣賽鴿活動自1960 年代興起,逐漸發展出有別於其他國家的「幼鴿海翔多關」賽制,結合檯面下大規模的賭金下注與分配,形成龐大的地下經濟體系。透過鴿友訪談、拍賣會參與觀察和歷史資料分析,本研究探討台灣為何發展出獨步全球的賽鴿制度,解釋賽制變遷如何逐漸塑造鴿友集體的公平認知,以及刻意降低強勢者優勢所造成的「機運式公平」,反而意外維繫了廣大鴿友的持續投入,讓參與者相信「人人有機會」,激發鴿友挑戰機運的熱情。本研究與地下經濟中風險控管與社會信任等文獻對話,指出賽鴿活動因結合「合法競技和非法博弈」、「可控的科學理性和不可控機運」,形塑了鴿會和鴿友獨特的風險控管策略,並影響社群的互動和信任關係的建立。台灣賽制的特殊性也影響賽鴿社群成員彼此與對外的互動,凸顯出經濟與社會間既相互穿透又隱含緊張的動態關係。
This article explains the evolution of the unique pigeon oceanic racing in Taiwan by investigating racers’ shared values, winning strategies, and social interactions. Taiwan pigeon racing is known as the toughest race in the world. In this so-called “Five-Race Championship,” juvenile pigeons have to fly over the open ocean more than five times, if they survive fierce winds and unpredictable weather. Regardless of a young bird’s competition records, its racing career finishes in one season. Prize money and associated illegal betting can add up to millions of NT dollars per race. Racers are enchanted by the enormous challenges and rewards. Previous literature tends to suggest that pigeon racers are driven by either personal affection for animals or irrational beliefs in gambling. These individualistic explanations fail to recognize how institutional regulations and social networks hold this racing/gambling industry together. By analyzing archival data, interviewing racers, and observing pigeon bids, we find that Taiwanese pigeon-racing rules gradually evolved to reinforce racers’ shared sense of fairness. Pigeonracing clubs adopted complicated gambling rules, young bird races, tough oceanic racing, and rigorous anti-cheating methods to prevent dishonesty, kidnappings, and other unfair practices.Most racers believe that these tough competitions, though increasing uncertainty, ensure everyone a fair chance of winning. Although most racers recognize that people with greater economic capital and experiences are advantaged, they admit that luck often intervenes, which makes the races fairer. Racers develop various types of tactical knowledge and cooperative strategies to manage risks. Their collective belief in “fairness by chance” sustains this multibillion dollar gambling industry. Social trust among participants may be undermined, however, because racers tend to keep personal winning tactics a secret. This research contributes to the underground economy literature by illustrating how institutional rules, shared values, and social trust co-evolve through gambling activities.
起訖頁 57-108
關鍵詞 賽鴿海翔地下經濟賭博社會信任pigeon racingpigeon oceanic racingunderground economygamblingsocial trust
刊名 臺灣社會學  
期數 201612 (32期)
出版單位 中央研究院社會學研究所
該期刊-上一篇 當婦運衝撞國家:婦權會推動性別主流化的合縱連橫策略
該期刊-下一篇 想像未來:台灣人體生物資料庫、基因利基與國族建構




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