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A Systematic Review of Acupressure for the Application on Nursing Practice
作者 馬惠文張曼玲林綽娟
本研究旨在搜尋以穴位按壓為主要介入措施之臨床實驗性研究。以系統性文獻回顧法分析資料,搜尋MEDLINE等六個中、英文資料庫,共71篇文章符合篩選標準。結果顯示(1)護理人員提供相關研究最多,且執行穴位按壓場所多為護理人員的工作職場。(2)在71篇文章中,有69篇(97.2%)文章其穴位按壓照護成效呈正向結果。(3)經排除單篇無法歸納或研究方法品質(Jadad Score)被評為1分的RCT (randomized controlled trial)文章,綜合34篇文章,本研究發現穴位按壓技術常用於8個症狀/對象。(4)分析穴位按壓操作手法,包括穴位按壓手法、按壓力度及按壓時間。本文獻研析提供穴位按壓適用對象/症狀及操作手法訊息,有助於護理人員及護生學習穴位按壓照護措施,並發展穴位按壓標準作業流程。經檢視研究方法品質,提供穴位按壓未來研究方向及研究設計建議。
The purpose of this study was to search articles on acupressure treatment that used clinical control trials (CCT) or randomize control trials (RCT) to review the quality of conducted research quality and the caring effects of acupressure. Literature published in databases, including MEDLINE, was searched. A total of 71 relevant articles were identified and included in the current study. Results showed: (1) Nursing staff conducted the majority of acupressure interventions. Nurses also had the most opportunities to provide acupressure care; (2) 9 articles (97.2%) found acupressure to deliver positive effects; (3) Less than half of the articles (34) remained following our elimination of those that presented substandard researching quality, unspecific caring scope, or a score of only 1 using Jadad Score evaluation. Of these 34, acupressure techniques were most often applied to symptoms/objects; (4) Factors that should be considered in administering acupressure include methods of treatment, application strength, and application period. Study results should help clinical nursing staff and student nurses learn acupressure and develop acupressure standard operating procedures (SOPs). Results further provide direction and design guidance for future research.
起訖頁 35-44
關鍵詞 穴位按壓系統性文獻回顧穴位按壓操作手法中醫護理acupressuresystematic reviewoperational techniques of acupressurenursing in traditional Chinese medicine
刊名 護理雜誌  
期數 200708 (54:4期)
出版單位 臺灣護理學會
該期刊-上一篇 好的護理--護理人員的觀點
該期刊-下一篇 加護病房混亂評估量表中文版信效度測試




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