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A Conceptual Analysis of Professional Commitment
作者 王靜琳蔡來蔭 (Lai-Yin Tsai)呂桂雲
「專業承諾」是個人對專業所秉持的態度,也是構成專業的核心與精神,以個人而言,可增進在專業中之穩定度,整體方面則容易達成專業的目標。在臨床中護理人員與病患接觸機會最頻繁,故病患所接收的健康諮詢服務與護理人員有最直接的關係,若能儘早建立護理人員對「專業承諾」之理念,便有助於提供病患完善的照護品質,故「專業承諾」可被視為評價專業服務品質之指標。本文藉由Walker及Avant (1995)之概念分析架構予以檢視與剖析,並與護理作一連結,期盼提供護理人員對此概念有更進一步的認知與瞭解,進而肯定與支持自己的專業,共同為提昇護理專業而努力。
Professional Commitment is an attitude, and it is the core and spirit of professionalism. In addition to increasing personal stability in the profession, it also enables individuals to reach their professional goals in general. Because nurses usually have more opportunities than other health care professionals to be in contact with patients, patients receive most of their information about health care from nurses. If nurses accept professional commitment as early as possible, the quality of patient-care will be improved. That is the reason why professional commitment is regarded as the hallmark of quality in professional care. This paper will use the conceptual analysis framework developed by Walker and Avant (1995) to examine and analyze professional commitment and establish its relationship with nursing. The authors hope that it can provide nurses with the opportunity to understand this concept more fully, to support their own profession, to raise the position of the nursing profession and to guarantee the health of the general public.
起訖頁 71-77
關鍵詞 概念分析專業承諾conceptual analysisprofessional commitment
刊名 護理雜誌  
期數 200510 (52:5期)
出版單位 臺灣護理學會
該期刊-上一篇 第二型糖尿病合併症之危險因子控制--ABC管理
該期刊-下一篇 運用Watson關懷理論於一位加護病房重症病患主要照顧者之護理經驗




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