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Using SWOT to Analyze Breastfeeding Education Results in a Medical Center
作者 李佩珊黃久美 (Chiu-Mieh Huang)
台灣地區產後一個月母乳哺餵率從1962年至1989年由95%下降至25%,有鑑於此,行政院衛生署於2001年大力提倡嬰兒親善醫院政策,期望藉由醫院推選母乳哺餵衛教,進而提升母乳哺餵率。然而研究指出在推行嬰兒親善醫院政策之過程仍面臨困難。因此,本文應用優勢、劣勢、機會、威脅(Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats; SWOT)的分析方法,從整體醫院衛教策略切入,分析某醫學中心執行母乳哺餵衛教發展探討為例,區分外在環境與內在環境因素,並針對內在環境分析優勢與劣勢,外在環境分析機會與威脅,並運用SWOT Matrix策略配對的訪求來擬定因應策略。經SWOT的思考路徑,能幫助管理者以最快速的方式釐清現存於內在的優勢與劣勢,並瞭解外在的機會與威脅,以助於擬定適切的改善措施,轉逆境為順境。期望能夠提供SWOT的策略分析方式,幫助臨床護理人員對管理策略的認識,進而運用在產後媽媽母乳哺餵的照護,並因而提升產婦之母乳哺餵率。
The breastfeeding rate within the first month after postpartum dropped from 95% in 1962 to 25% in 1989. As a result, the Department of Health, Executive Yuan, has made a lot of effort to promote a baby-friendly hospital policy since 2001, with the aim of increasing the breastfeeding rate. However, many studies have pointed out that the Department of Health is encountering difficulties when implementing this policy. This study is designed to use the Strengths, Weakness, Opportunities, and Threats (SWOT) Analysis to evaluate the development of breastfeeding education in a certain medical center. We divide those factors that influence the effect of this policy into extrinsic environmental factors and intrinsic environmental factors. The intrinsic environmental factors are the strengths and weaknesses of the baby-friendly hospital policy. The extrinsic environmental factors are the opportunities and threats. The SWOT Matrix is also applied to develop appropriate strategies to take the greatest possible advantage of opportunities available. With the SWOT approach, managers can not only readily extinguish intrinsic advantages from intrinsic disadvantages, but also recognize external opportunities and threats. Furthermore, it assists managers in resolving problems and turning adversity into opportunity. In providing the SWOT analysis, we hope clinical nursing staff will gain a better understanding of the baby-friendly hospital policy and deliver higher quality of health care for postpartum mothers, thus increasing the breastfeeding rate.
起訖頁 77-82
關鍵詞 母乳哺餵SWOT分析哺乳衛教breastfeedingSWOT analysisbreastfeeding education
刊名 護理雜誌  
期數 200508 (52:4期)
出版單位 臺灣護理學會
該期刊-上一篇 發展門診氣喘兒童個案管理模式
該期刊-下一篇 絕食抗議者的生理變化及其相關護理照護議題




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