英文摘要 |
To care for students in emergency situations in school is a duty incumbent on school staff. Acute asthma attacks will not cause death if school staff can provide appropriate management in school when needed by students. Since the factors inducing asthma are poorly understood, successful asthma treatment depends on a health system recognizing the value of clear communication and education. Asthma patient education is a continuous process that involves an ongoing partnership between the patient and health care professionals with frequent revision and reinforcement. The aim is guided self-management of asthma (GSA), giving patients the ability to control their own condition with guidance from health care professionals. Schools are an important part of health education. One way to meet these needs is to use a support network for self-management of students with asthma to build a school asthma management (SAM) model in which asthmatics and health care providers can collaborate as partners. This paper introduces the framework and aims of a SAM model, as well as the proposal and application of a SAM model development. SAM can provide optimal management when students experience acute asthma attack in school and guided self-management of asthma for asthma students. |