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Discussing Mental Health Problems of and Policy toward Community Elderly in Taiwan: From the Vision of WHO Mental Health Report
作者 謝佳容劉淑娟張珏
人口老化已成為世界性現象,台灣面臨高齡化社會老年人的心理健康問題需在未來政策性議題更加以重視。本文以WHO 2001年提出的心理健康報告為導引,指出政府需在醫療照顧體系和財務管理下,制訂心理衛生政策來保障和改善民眾的心理健康。政策制訂的順序是評估心理健康的需求、服務提供、治療、預防和促進策略,並透過和其他服務系統合作,對於心理健康結果亦需要被監測和分析以持續改善及面對未來的挑戰。讓我們以世界衛生組織提出的國家心理衛生政策為參考藍圖,營造我們社區老人心理健康的家園。
The ageing of populations is a world wide phenomenon. It is very important that the policy issues of mental health problems among community elderly in Taiwan be addressed. The paper is based on the WHO 2001 Mental Health Report, which shows that governments need to set policies within the context of general health systems and financing arrangements that will protect and improve the mental health of the population. It requires priorities to be set among mental health needs, services, treatments, and prevention and promotions trategies, and choices to be made about their funding. Mental health services and strategies must be well coordinated among themselves and with other services. Mental health outcomes must be monitored and analyzed so that decisions can be continually adjusted to meet existing challenges. The WHO Mental Health Report is a blueprinted plan that will provides references for our country's mental health policies for the community elderly.
起訖頁 56-61
關鍵詞 心理衛生心理衛生政策性別主流化mental healthmental health policygender mainstreaming
刊名 護理雜誌  
期數 200306 (50:3期)
出版單位 臺灣護理學會
該期刊-上一篇 建構賦權式以社區為基礎的獨居老人照護模式
該期刊-下一篇 護理之家機構特性與照護品質相關性研究




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