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The West Country: A Study on the Jingzhou Writing of Bao Zhao, Xie Tiao, and Xiao Yi
作者 祁立峰
In the past, researchers have mainly concerned themselves with differences between north and south in Southern and Northern Dynasties literature. In the south, differences in geography and custom produced the different literary styles of Jingzhou 荊州 and Yangzhou 揚州. This study discusses Jingzhou writing from the perspective of three writers, Bao Zhao 鮑照, Xie Tiao 謝朓, and Xiao Yi 蕭繹, who once served as officials or lived in Jingzhou. Bao Zhao's experiences travelling through Jingzhou provided him with writing material that he could graft onto frontier fortress-style yuefu 樂府 poetry. To Xie Tiao, Jingzhou represents a spatial contrast with the capital Jiankang 建康. In later writings he often recalls Jingzhou with affection, his memories of living there frequently summoned up by the literary allusions he employs. Last of all, this paper examines Xiao Yi, who combines the myths and legends of Jingzhou with a romantic sentiment to create his Jingzhou complex: he takes Jingzhou and forges it into his own private fantasy kingdom. The author hopes that this discussion of Jingzhou writing will help make up for the deficiencies of the north-south divide narrative in Southern and Northern Dynasties literature research by supplementing an east-west dimension
起訖頁 65-96
關鍵詞 南北朝荊州鮑照謝朓蕭繹Southern and Northern DynastiesJingzhou 荊州Bao Zhao 鮑照Xie Tiao 謝朓Xiao Yi 蕭繹
刊名 漢學研究  
期數 201509 (33:3期)
出版單位 漢學研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 天監初南傳所謂《漢書》「真本」探討
該期刊-下一篇 切韻音系聲母的內部構擬




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