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Sentences with Anaphoric Reference and Propositional Attitudes in Ancient Chinese
作者 李守奎
On the surface, Chinese characters' are formed from a relation between configurational units and the linguistic units of pronunciation and meaning that characters record. At a deep level, in attempting to understand these relations, we are in fact trying to deduce from the structure of characters the ancient thought processes employed in their creation. The term "daoxie gouxing"倒寫構形refers to a technique of character formation which utilizes upside-down or reversed configurational elements. This article aims to make full use of the meanings expressed by these inverted structural elements to explain some difficult characters. The first section explores the meanings expressed by using inverted Chinese characters as configurational units in character formation. Section two examines the interpretation of ancient characters that incorporate the inverted form of the character "ren"人, while section three investigates the interpretation of ancient characters incorporating the inverted form of the character "shan"山. In the first section, some common examples of upside-down configurations are presented, and some generalizations offered regarding the expression of meaning in this type of character. Sections two and three draw upon new material such as the Tsinghua Bamboo Slips to discuss some controversial ancient characters that feature upside-down configurations.
起訖頁 173-194
關鍵詞 漢字倒寫構形倒人形倒山形古文字釋讀Chinese charactersinverted configurationinverted form of "ren"人inverted form of "shan"山interpretations of ancient characters
刊名 漢學研究  
期數 201506 (33:2期)
出版單位 漢學研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 古代漢語的命題態度與照應複句
該期刊-下一篇 郭店〈太一生水〉「(木甫)」的語文分析與思想義蘊




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