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The Religious Narrative of Zhang Tianshu's Wuming Xiaoshuo (1895): With a Focus on an Analysis of Its Shidiao (Popular Tune)
作者 黎子鵬
1895年,傅蘭雅(John Fryer, 1839-1928)於上海發起「時新小說」徵文比賽,為要尋求良方,革除晚清社會的「三弊」,即鴉片、時文和纏足。這批稿件2006年被發現,並被冠以「清末時新小說」掃描出版。不少時新小說的作者在文學創作方面嘗試探索新的進路,將西方的宗教元素融入中國的文學體系,這些小說的革新可填補中國現代文學史中被忽略卻又關鍵的一環。在這批時新小說當中,張佃書《無名小說》的宗教敘事頗具特色,文中一重要情節以「時調」的形式來表述,且這首「時調」與《天路歷程》出現了大量互文,並以儒家、佛教及道教等思想觀念烘托出基督教的主題,為晚清小說創作注入了新元素。本文以該小說為例,重點分析作品中改寫自《天路歷程》的「時調」,從文學的角度分析該「時調」的源流、形式、內容及功能,以及從宗教的視角闡釋當中的多元宗教表述。
Organized by John Fryer (1839-1928) in 1895 in Shanghai上海, the "New Age Novels" fiction competition sought effective ways to purge Qing China of the social vices of opium-smoking, the eight-legged essay and foot-binding. The discovery of the corpus of unpublished manuscripts in 2006 promises to fill in an overlooked yet crucial chapter in the history of modern Chinese literature. The worth of these works goes beyond the mere reflection of the cultural landscape and socio-political trends of the late-Qing period. Quite a few writers conducted original experiments in terms of literary approaches and religious poetics, and hence introduced new narrative elements into the creation of late-Qing Chinese fiction. One of the 162 manuscripts, Zhang Tianshu's 張佃書Wuming Xiaoshuo無名小說, manifests distinctive features of religious narrative, especially in a traditional Chinese shidiao (popular tune) that demonstrates rich intertextual relations with The Pilgrim's Progress. It integrates Chinese literary techniques with Western rhetorical devices, while adopting Confucian, Buddhist and Daoist elements to express Christian themes and thoughts. With a focus on an analysis of this shidiao, the present paper commences by examining the literary origin, form, content and function of the shidiao, followed by an analysis of the hybridity of its multiple religious expressions.
起訖頁 295-318
關鍵詞 清末時新小說《無名小說》張佃書時調《天路歷程》漢語基督教文學late-Qing New Age NovelWuming XiaoshuoZhang TianshushidiaoThe Pilgrim's ProgressChinese Christian literature
刊名 漢學研究  
期數 201503 (33:1期)
出版單位 漢學研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 晚清同文書局的興衰起落與經營方略
該期刊-下一篇 書評:元國書官印匯釋




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