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Textual Research on the Source and Editions of 'Taizhen Yudi Sijimingke Jing'
作者 李靜 (LI Jing)
”Taizhen yudi sijimingke jing”太真玉帝四極明科經 has a total of five chapters and is one of the most important books of Daoist rules. This paper will argue that ”Taizhen yudi sijimingke jing” is not a combination of two scriptures, but rather developed from an early edition of ”Sijimingke”, comprised of four chapters. Moreover, ”Taizhen yudi sijimingke jing” contains the contents of chapter 2 and 3 of the original ”Sijimingke”.It also argues that the content of the list of Shangqing scriptures found in chapter 3 is the same as ”Shangqing yuantong jingmu”上清源統經目, which was written by Lu Xiujing 陸修靜 and was the core of Lu's list of Shangqing scriptures in his work ”Sandong jingshu mulu” 三洞經書目錄. Therefore, Lu's list of Shangqing scriptures can be acquired from chapter 3 of ”Taizhen yudi sijimingke jing”.
起訖頁 329-361
關鍵詞 道教陸修靜太真玉帝四極明科經上清源統經目版本DaoismLu Xiujing (陸修靜)'Taizhen yudi sijimingke jing' (太真玉帝四極明科經)Shangqing yuantong jingmu (上清源統經目)editions
刊名 漢學研究  
期數 201309 (31:3期)
出版單位 漢學研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 廣東與臺灣饒平客家話兩字組變調分析與比較
該期刊-下一篇 評林立《滄海遺音:民國時期清遺民詞研究》




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