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Chinese Philosophy in Diaspora and the Meaningfulness of Life for Chinese Overseas
作者 沈清松
It is over fifty years since the publication of Tang Junyi's essay ”On the Drifting Away of Chinese Culture” (1961), one of the first philosophical works on the Chinese diaspora. This paper discusses several major ideas proposed by Chinese philosophers over the past fifty years or so about the meaningfulness of life for Chinese people in diaspora. The first is Tang Junyi's idea of the ”self-planting of spiritual roots,” proposed at the time when Chinese were fleeing overseas after the Communists came to power in China in 1949; the second is the idea of ”balance in conflict” or ”dialectics of harmony” proposed by Profs. Antonio Cua and Chung-Ying Cheng at a time when Chinese philosophy was being established as a formal discipline in the North American academic world together with its own journals and associations, and Chinese cultural values were in competition with the values of other cultures; I propose a third idea, namely that of ”mutual enrichment” through the method of ”mutual strangification,” to face the impact of globalization and post-modernism and the new of dialogues with different diaspora communities from different cultural origins.
起訖頁 7-34
關鍵詞 中國哲學唐君毅花果飄零靈根自植海外華人Chinese philosophyTang Junyidiasporaspiritual rootednessChinese overseas
刊名 漢學研究  
期數 201306 (31:2期)
出版單位 漢學研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 「中國哲學的花果飄零」專輯導言
該期刊-下一篇 論敬--對唐君毅〈說中華民族之花果飄零〉之反思




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