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The Usage of the Directionals Shang and Xia from Early Ancient to Middle Chinese
作者 王錦慧
This article discusses the usage of the two directionals shang 上and xia 下from Early Ancient to Middle Chinese with reference to Talmy's conceptual structure. It is considered that the usage of these terms in Early Ancient Chinese was formed by a merging of the semantic components of Motion and Path, and that Manner was expressed either implicitly or explicitly by the use of additional characters. Shang and xia retained these early usages in Middle Chinese, and by complementing them with the deictic directionals lai 來and qu 去, added another way to indicate Path. This produced verbs expressing manner which included semantic components of both Motion and Manner, and which used directional complements to express Path.From the basic expression of high and low displacements in concrete, physical space, the motion-related path model can be extended through cognitive psychology to express displacement in linear spaces, and metaphors used to express abstract vertical displacement. Furthermore, autonomous, caused, and causative types of motion will influence perceptions of an object's volition and non-volition.
起訖頁 131-166
關鍵詞 趨向詞概念結構古漢語directionalsshang 上xia 下conceptual structureAncient Chinese
刊名 漢學研究  
期數 201203 (30:1期)
出版單位 漢學研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 兵家必爭的壽春——歷史形象的形成與轉變
該期刊-下一篇 白居易〈初出藍田路作〉詩現地研究─—唐商州武關驛路藍田段新釋




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