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The Motivation and Historical Mentality behind Song Literati Ci Poetry: Intertextuality and Eroticism in the Ci of Ouyang Xiu
作者 馬里揚
The questions of intertextuality and eroticism in Ouyang Xiu's 歐陽修 (l007-1073) ci 詞 poetry cannot be satisfactorily resolved by means of traditional textual research. However, this touches upon a major topic in ci studies, namely, the question of the innate qualities of the poetry written by Song dynasty literati. This paper proposes that there arc two major factors involved: an evolution of poetic conception and an historical mentality. The former refers to the changing diction of the poetry in the process of literary evolution itself, while the latter informs the formation of its unique style. This study uses close textual reading and draws on research into historical texts and intellectual history to demonstrate that the question of intertextuality between Ouyang Xiu's ci poetry and the poetry of an earlier poet. Feng Yansi 馮延巳 (903-960), can be resolved by considering the formation and evolution of their poetic conceptions. There is a close correlation between the features of the idiosyncratic style of Ouyang's poetry and the historical mentality expressed therein; indeed, the question of his erotic poetry can be resolved in this framework.
起訖頁 279-305
關鍵詞 歐陽修宋代士大夫馮延巳Ouyang Xiu 歐陽修Song dynastyci 詞literatiFeng Yansi 馮延巳
刊名 漢學研究  
期數 201106 (29:2期)
出版單位 漢學研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 「頭」的故事──歷史•身體•創傷敘事
該期刊-下一篇 群體的選擇――清初詞學復興原因考論




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