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A Voiced Literary History: The Voice and the Pursuit of Modernity in Chinese Literature
作者 梅家玲
The goal of this article is to discuss how the voice intermediated in the development of New Literature (i.e. vernacular literature) in China, and, especially with regard to the creation of new poetry and the establishment of new poetry theory, how it brought about a dialectical development between new and traditional literature. The article will also discuss how voice and modern Mandarin language and literature education promoted each other and formed a ”modern voice” within the literary history of China. The main idea around which the entire article centers is this: in the past, when discussing literary history, most scholars focused on the written aspect of the writing process. However, the voice was actually a key factor within the development of new literature, and it involved changes in tone and rhythm, as well as language choices. This article takes as a starting point for discussion Zhu Ziqing 朱自清 and Zhu Guangqian's 朱光潛 transplantation of their experiences in London and England to China, and the Poetry Recitation Society they consequently established in Beijing, and is divided into four sections:1) From London to Beijing: The Poetry Recitation Society and Experiments with Voice in Modern Poetry;2) From Voiceless to Voiced: Poetry Recitation and the Development of A Modern Poetry Discourse;3) The Voice and the Pursuit of Modernity in Literature: New and Old Literature, Spoken Words and Text;4) The Modern Voice: Recited Poetry, Mandarin Literature, and Mandarin Language and Literature Education in Modern China.
起訖頁 189-223
關鍵詞 朱自清朱光潛聲音讀詩會新文學文學史Zhu Ziqing 朱自清Zhu Guangqian 朱光潛voicePoetry Recitation SocietyNew Literatureliterary history
刊名 漢學研究  
期數 201106 (29:2期)
出版單位 漢學研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 京劇表演與性別意識──戲曲史考察的一個視角
該期刊-下一篇 陳世驤論中國文學──通往「抒情傳統論」之路




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