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The Worldview of Late Ming Envoys to Korea in Zhu Zhifan's Writings
作者 廖肇亨
The use of poetry in diplomacy between East Asian countries (at least between Korea, Japan, Okinawa, and Vietnam) during the Ming and Qing dynasties has been well documented by past scholars. However, some issues have yet to be clarified: (1) Can diplomatic poetry he said to have any special characteristics in terms of aesthetic form, mood, and content? (2) Is there any degree of interaction between diplomatic poetry and contemporary views on poetics? (3) Since diplomatic poetry concerns experience with foreign countries, does it to any degree reflect perspectives of foreign exoticism and the mutual observation of self/other? (4) Since diplomatic poetry is a byproduct of communication between political systems, it should, to a certain extent, reflect characteristics such as forms of government, political values, and worldview, and this is where diplomatic poetry differs from other types of work. Focusing on the late-Ming envoy Zhu Zhifan朱之蕃, and also other envoys such as Zhang Ning張寧 and Qi Shun祁順, this paper outlines the possible implications of the writings of modern East Asian envoy culture, in order to investigate the interaction and spread of Ming-Qing poetics between the countries of East Asia. At the same time, on this basis, we reflect on the possibility of rewriting literary history.
起訖頁 53-80
關鍵詞 朱之蕃王世貞皇華集朝鮮使節晚明Zhu Zhifan 朱之蕃Wang Shizhen王世貞Huang hua ji皇華集Koreaenvoylate Ming
刊名 漢學研究  
期數 201106 (29:2期)
出版單位 漢學研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 《千載佳句》文本空間的建構及其意義
該期刊-下一篇 中西合璧的小說新體──清初耶穌會士馬若瑟著〈夢美土記〉初探




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