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Du Feng Ou Shi: Analysis and Criticism of Cui Shu's Study of the Shijing
作者 黃忠慎
The Qing dynasty scholar Cui Shu's崔述 work Kao xin lu考信錄 established his reputation in Chinese historiography, while he owes his position in the history of Confucian classics studies to another work, Du feng ou shi讀風偶識. Cui Shu, Yao Jiheng姚際恆 and Fang Yurun方玉潤 are known as the three great independent Qing scholars of the Shijing詩經. Yao's Shijing tong lun詩經通論and Fang's Shijing yuan shi詩經原始 are masterpieces of Shying studies, both works providing analysis and interpretation of the more than 300 poems that constitute the full-length text of the Shijing. Despite only discussing the Songs (feng風) from the Shijing, Cui Shu's Du feng ou shi is still held on a par with these works, serving to show that it is a work of great originality in its own right. However, it is not necessary to believe the excessive praise heaped on Du feng ou shi by scholars such as Hu Shi胡適. This paper identifies the motivations behind Cui Shu's interpretation of the poems in Du feng ou shi and its characteristics, examines his acceptance and criticism of Han and Song studies of the Shjjing, and so explains the position and significance of Du feng ou shi in the history of Shying scholarship. This paper shows that the most distinguishing feature of Du feng ou shi is that it ”observes the Shijing from the point of view of historical studies, and promotes the value of historical studies through the Shying”以史觀詩,以詩興史. Although Cui Shu strongly criticizes traditional Shying studies, the influence of traditional Shijing teaching is deep and far-reaching. Indeed, Cui Shu's interpretation of the Shying is still unable to escape these traditional influences, despite his unique and independent style and methods of scholarship.
起訖頁 225-256
關鍵詞 崔述讀風偶識詩經漢學朱熹詩教Cui Shu崔述Du feng on shi讀風偶識Han dynasty Shijing詩經 studiesZhu Xi朱熹moral education using the Shying
刊名 漢學研究  
期數 201103 (29:1期)
出版單位 漢學研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 文筆與史筆──論秦淮風月與南明興亡的書寫與記憶
該期刊-下一篇 「鈔」、「寫」有別論──六朝書籍文化史識小錄一種




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