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Poetic Vision, Affective Rhythm, and the Development of Moral Disposition: Poetry Interpretation in the Shi Ji Zhuan
作者 陳志信
Under the contemporary system of subject classification, jingxue經學 and wenxue文學 are recognized as two branches of learning each with their own systems and sequences of development. The act of interpreting the Classics as performed by Confucian scholars in ancient times may have resembled a form of literary criticism, particularly in the case of the Shijing詩經 which was famed for its artistry. Shiji zhuan詩集傳, a work by Zhu Xi朱熹 (1130-1200), is perhaps a typical example of this. Through close reading and realistic re-creation of the interpretive context of the poetry in the Shi ji zhuan, we find that Zhu Xi takes a familiar avenue of approach to explicating the poems of the Shijing. His sketches of imaginative poetic vision and the affective rhythm of his writing gradually draws in his target readers, students aspiring Confucian ideals, moving and inspiring them; savoring beauty in this way nourishes their sense of nobility and sincerity. By reciting the Songs, Elegies and Hymns in order, they are engaged in a gradual process of establishing and developing a moral disposition. This example of Song dynasty Shijing hermeneutics shows us a way to observe and experience life's beauty and goodness through appreciating art; indeed, this was perhaps an aspect of traditional study of the Classics, and can also be seen as a typical mode of Chinese literary criticism.
起訖頁 1-34
關鍵詞 經學文藝批評詩經朱熹詩集傳jingxue 經學literary criticismShijing詩經Zhu Xi朱熹Shi ji zhuan詩集傳
刊名 漢學研究  
期數 201103 (29:1期)
出版單位 漢學研究中心
該期刊-下一篇 流逝與尋回──試論韋莊〈菩薩蠻〉五首中的春意象




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