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Unusual Distinction: A Study on Official Careers and Economic Conditions of the Wanggiya Family since the Daoguang Reign
作者 黃麗君
This article examines the relationship between the official careers of the Upper-Three-Banner Booi and their economic conditions, by focusing on the Wanggiya family since the Daoguang reign. The Wanggiya family was renowned for its high level of literacy, yet the glory of the family was concentrated in a single lineage. Theoretically, each member had the duty to run errands for the emperors, but different factors could have an impact on a Booi’s career, including personal capacities, types of errands, and family legacies. Although the young generation of Booi in the late Qing could find it difficult to secure an errand post, the lineal descendants of Lingqing managed to enter the Imperial Household Department and other government sectors through different pathways, like errand posts, examination, donation, and inheritance, thanks to the rich political and financial resources left by their elder male members. Although these particular Booi enjoyed a wider range of career pathways than the early Qing Booi, the overstaffed late Qing court could only offer limited opportunities. Hence, securing a substantial position became a key issue for these Booi to develop their official careers.
起訖頁 1-54
關鍵詞 內務府上三旗包衣完顏氏當差Imperial Household DepartmentUpper-Three-Banner BooiWanggiya familyofficial careers
刊名 中央研究院近代史研究所集刊  
期數 201512 (90期)
出版單位 中央研究院近代史研究所
該期刊-下一篇 「港際工程」:1875年來自日本的兩位荷蘭水利工程師對上海吳淞內沙的調查




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