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A Preliminary Study of Local Consumption during the Qianlong Reign: The Case of Ba County in Sichuan Province
作者 巫仁恕王大綱
Recent research on the history of consumption during the early modern period has begun to question Eurocentric approaches, pointing out that China's consumption trends may have been similar to those of Britain or Western Europe at same period. However, the relevant Chinese documents focus overwhelmingly on the material culture of the upper classes, and historical resources regarding the common people's ability to consume luxury objects are rare. Through an analysis of the inventories of stolen goods from 1757 to 1795, this essay investigates the consumers of Ba County in Chongqing Prefecture, a relatively uncommercialized part of the empire, showing that the victims of theft increasingly came to consist of people engaged in commerce and industry. This was a new group of consumers, belonging to the middle segments of society and able to consume such luxury objects as high quality clothes, tin, silver and bronze objects, and the like, that emerged in the eighteenth century. The stolen goods reflected the rapid commodification of the local economy and the changes in people's consumption patterns. In addition, fashion styles from the Jiangnan area and even imported "foreign goods" could be found among the stolen goods, reflecting the range of outside influences on consumption. Although this essay is a microhistory, it reminds us that China's consumption in the eighteenth century should not to be underestimated.
起訖頁 1-41
關鍵詞 乾隆巴縣竊盜消費時尚QianlongBaxian (Ba County)theftconsumptionfashion
刊名 中央研究院近代史研究所集刊  
期數 201509 (89期)
出版單位 中央研究院近代史研究所
該期刊-下一篇 糧臺紛爭與咸同戰時財政:以江南與江北糧臺為中心




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