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The State in Everyday Life: Peddlers and Urban Management of Beijing during the Late Qing and Republican Period
作者 徐鶴濤
During the New Policy reforms of the late Qing dynasty, a police-based peddler administration system was formed in Beijing, resulting in increasing control over peddlers. However, the peddler economy boomed under these strict controls, due to the low consumption ability of citizens, lack of job opportunities, and social unrest. These two trends were not in conflict but formed a new city order, an everyday life distinct from both the traditional pattern and that of the West. The core of the new urban order was based on police administration, while peddlers maintained a degree of self-government. Conflicts between peddlers, policemen, and other social groups were manageable. The formation of this balanced situation resulted from the authorities' wise attitude toward daily management, the existence of peddlers' self-government, and the buffering capacity of social forces. Considering the state-society relationship not as merely an abstract structure but as an interaction between supervisors and subordinates, it appears that modern state-building does not necessarily disadvantage certain groups, and the concepts of state involution and social discipline are inadequate. From the peddler management system in modern Beijing we observe that wise management could bring free space under control and manage conflicts harmoniously.
起訖頁 85-126
關鍵詞 小販國家建設城市管理日常生活警察peddlersstate-buildingurban managementeveryday lifepolice
刊名 中央研究院近代史研究所集刊  
期數 201503 (87期)
出版單位 中央研究院近代史研究所
該期刊-上一篇 清末威海衛華勇營研究,1899-1906
該期刊-下一篇 意識形態、國家利益與民族國家統合方略之糾葛——1944-1947年國民政府治理新疆政策研究




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