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Storm Tides and Government Response during the Yongzheng Period
作者 陳亞平
Two storm tides swept the coastal areas of Jiangsu and Zhejiang during the Yongzheng reign, greatly damaging the economic and social life of the local people. The government mobilized officials at all levels to fully engage in disaster relief. Thus the entire Qing administration was able to emphasize the core issue of grain supply in stricken areas. The government not only emphasized the role of administrative measures in controlling grain prices, but also actively engaged in mediating the inter-provincial grain markets. This considerably improved the grain supplies in stricken areas and effectively alleviated the impact of the disasters on grain prices in the affected regions. The government's performance in this disaster relief indicated that governmental effort was the primary resource for disaster relief during the early eighteenth century. The decision of the Qing government to carry out disaster relief campaigns with the aid of market power resulted from a sensible understanding of the supply-and-demand relations of the grain market, and this blend of government and market powers also served as an effective model for the development of traditional famine relief strategies in China.
起訖頁 1-55
關鍵詞 雍正時期風暴潮政府應對糧價Yongzheng reignstorm tidegovernment measuresgrain prices
刊名 中央研究院近代史研究所集刊  
期數 201409 (85期)
出版單位 中央研究院近代史研究所
該期刊-下一篇 清末石印的興起與上海日本畫譜類書籍的流通:以《點石齋叢畫》為中心




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