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中央研究院近代史研究所集刊 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

Reproducing Renaissance Naturalist Images and Knowledge at the Qianlong Court: A Study of the 'Album on Beasts'
作者 賴毓芝
This article focuses on a work from the Qing dynasty court entitled ”Album on Beasts” (Shoupu), which has been very little researched up to now. Its production was a subproject of a much larger plan involving two other, better-known projects, ”Album on Birds” (Niaopu) and ”Illustrations of Official Tribute” (Zhigong tu). All three projects were begun in 1750 and completed in 1761. They thus preceded the ”Complete Libraries of the Four Treasuries” (Siku quanshu) project, and while the latter focused on texts, the former was an ambitious attempt to visualize all beings under his majesty's rule, as well as indicating a sage-king bringing prosperity by nurturing things according to their seasons. The most innovative aspect of this major project lay in its deliberate dialog with traditional Chinese productions of a similar nature. By denouncing them as empirically deficient, the Qianlong project represented itself as unprecedentedly realistic, and assigned an important role to naturalist images and styles with three-dimensional rendering learned from Europe. This article concludes that ”Album on Beasts” reveals a new visual turn that attempted to deliver knowledge and connect with the outside world. The relatively high degree of ”realism” of the images actually represents a coherence of both fact and fiction, using a style of realism to endorse traditional Chinese governance as well as the Qianlong Emperor's ideal ”reality” of rule.
起訖頁 1-75
關鍵詞 清宮圖像制作獸譜中歐文化交流清宮的歐洲自然史知識清院體風格Qing court studies'Album on Beasts' (Shoupu)Sino-European cultural exchangesEuropean natural knowledge in the Qing CourtQing court style
刊名 中央研究院近代史研究所集刊  
期數 201306 (80期)
出版單位 中央研究院近代史研究所
該期刊-下一篇 產、官合作下的殖民地經營──以日治前期鹿島組的在台活動為例(1899-1926)




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