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A Recurring Dilemma: U.S. Policy and the 1958 Taiwan Straits Crisis Reconsidered
作者 張淑雅
This paper has one central concern: why did the U.S. policy dilemma regarding the Chinese offshore islands recur only three years after the first Taiwan Straits crisis of 1954-1955? Consensus has it that in attempting to involve the U.S. in a war with Communist China to realize his dream of returning to the mainland, Chiang Kai-shek deliberately increased the garrison of the offshore island s after the first crisis. Thus, the U.S. was forced to commit itself to use nuclear weapons for the defense of these islands to prevent the domino effects from their loss. But official documents reveal that U.S. policymakers did not solve the offshore islands problem after the 1955 crisis because they did not consider it necessary after having successfully deterred China's attack. They were also constantly preoccupied with crises all over the world, and preferred the status quo to forcing China to accept a final resolution. The U.S. thus assumed a default position of massive retaliation, making plans for using nuclear weapons to offset an all out Communist attack on the offshore islands. But after the shelling began, Washington tried desperately to avoid implementing these plans. The heart of the U.S. policy dilemma, then, was unwilling to yield any territory to the Communists while lacking sufficient resources to carry this policy out. In a word, the policy dilemma was general, rather than particular to the offshore islands issue.
起訖頁 17-59
關鍵詞 台海危機美國對台政策大舉報復核武遏阻新面貌Taiwan Straits crisisU.S. policy toward Taiwanmassive retaliationnuclear deterrencenew look
刊名 中央研究院近代史研究所集刊  
期數 201209 (77期)
出版單位 中央研究院近代史研究所
該期刊-上一篇 五四與中共革命:中國現代思想史上的激化
該期刊-下一篇 舊文物,新認同──《四庫全書》與民國時期的文化政治




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