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De jure and De facto Arguments in the Negotiations between the Republic of China and the International Olympic Committee: Naming in the Mexico Olympic Games, 1965-1968
作者 張啟雄
參加奧運是中華民國政府參與國際社會的主要工作之一,1964-1968年間的階段性正名任務,繼承以前成果,仍從法理論述出發,進行「正名」工作。國際奧委會各屆年會,就成為中華民國為參加墨西哥奧運會而奮鬥的重要場合。1965年的馬德里年會,為中華民國正名案應否列入議程,爭論不休,大會決議下屆再議。1966年的羅馬年會,本案因與東德及北韓正名案相關,引發是否援例辦理的爭論,後遭否決。主席並宣布,1968年奧運前不再討論本案。最後,1968年的墨西哥年會,北韓通過正名案,中華民國以一體適用原則比照辦理,國家奧委會「正名」為”Republic of China Olympic Committee”「體育領域」的「列名」,則由地方(Taiwan)「正名」為國家(”China R. O.”),並於同年11月1日正式生效。繼之,在10月墨西哥奧運會上,中華民國要求比照東京奧運模式,並獲同意,乃在英文名牌”TAIWAN”,加書中文「中華民國」字樣,參加開閉幕式繞場典禮,完成正名任務。至此,中華民國透過逐步墊高法,達成正名案,滿足其代表中國之「唯一合法」=「正統」政府的名分秩序觀。惟福禍相生,非此時所能洞知。
To participate in the Olympic games was one of the Republic of China government's main goals in joining the international society. Following its past achievements in naming itself, negotiations from 1964 to 1968 were still conducted under de jure forms. In 1965, the International Olympic Committee convened its annual meeting in Madrid and debated how the ROC's name should be listed on the agenda. A majority voted to delay the issue until their Rome meeting. At the Rome meeting of 1966, there was a repeat of the same discussion, with a further complication, as the issues of North Korea, East Germany, and the ROC were closely related, and a heated argument ensued. A majority voted against the ROC, and the IOC president accordingly announced that there would no more discussion on the issue before the Olympic Games in 1968. At the annual meeting of the Olympic Committee held in Mexico in 1968, the model of the formal designation of North Korea was applied to the ROC, which thenceforth participated as the ”Republic of China Olympic Committee,” while its ”athletic area” was changed from ”Taiwan” to ”China, R.O.C.” Thus participating in the opening and closing ceremonies as well as the games themselves, the ROC's diplomacy was successful. However, unintended reverse consequences were soon to come.
起訖頁 149-185
關鍵詞 法理論述事實論述正名墨西哥奧運會de jure discoursede facto discourserectification of namesMexico Olympic Games
刊名 中央研究院近代史研究所集刊  
期數 201109 (73期)
出版單位 中央研究院近代史研究所
該期刊-上一篇 公債下的社會衝突──1950年廣州人民勝利折實公債研究
該期刊-下一篇 書評:王奇生《革命與反革命:社會文化視野下的民國政治》




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