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Self-presentation in Imagining Foreign Culture: Persians in Ancient Greek Iconography
作者 許家琳
Ancient Greek iconography in the fifth and the fourth centuries BCE reflected several themes relating to Persians. Most of the creators of these works of art and artifacts were from Athens, but some were from Eretria and southern Italy. Persia and Greece were often rivals, and Persia occasionally interfered in Greek internal affairs. The Greeks surprisingly won two wars against the Persians, which gave them a confidence they had never had before. This period of wars was regarded as the golden age of their history. The continuous contacts with Persia resulted in the Greeks' increasing interest in Persian culture. Most of the art works related to Persians are battle scenes. The scenes on pottery are usually shown as duels between a Greek and a Persian, recalling the manner of portraying heroes in previous Greek art and literature. Other fighting scenes include a fifth-century BCE painting of the Battle of Marathon that was displayed in the Athenian agora. There was also a fourth-century BCE painting depicting the confrontation between Alexander the Great and the Persian king Darius III at the Battle of Issus. This painting was probably the source of a mosaic that has been preserved in Naples. In some ways the paintings of the battles of Marathon and Issus correspond to the narratives in ancient literature. The complicated battle scenes containing many figures depicted the Persians' defeat in the battles. Nevertheless, these scenes suggest that the Persians were strong opponents. On a fourth-century monumental vase from southern Italy, the Persian king Darius I is depicted in a counsel of war, juxtaposed with Greek gods and goddesses. In addition, the Greek painters' depiction of Persians in hunting and in domestic scenes expressed their interest in Persian mythology and daily life. Persian scenes in Greek iconography often contained Greek elements. These collective images of the foreign Persians demonstrate how the Greeks developed their self-identity in history and civilization.
起訖頁 21-53
關鍵詞 古希臘圖像希臘-波斯戰爭大流士一世,大流士三世波斯亞歷山大大帝Greek IconographyGreco-Persian WarsDarius IDarius IIIPersiaAlexander the Great
刊名 成大歷史學報  
期數 201612 (51期)
出版單位 國立成功大學歷史學系
該期刊-上一篇 工會和英國的多元主義傳統
該期刊-下一篇 1583年論敦商人東方行




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