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The litchi writing and Wuyi landscapes: with study on Xie Zhao-zhi, Xu Tong and Xu Bo
作者 范宜如
This essay focuses on the litchi writing and Wuyi landscape. With study on Xie Zhao-zhi, Xu Tong and Xu Bo, this essay investigates how the traveling scholar-officials expressed their attachment to their hometown through writing local sceneries, which is combined with feelings of local scholar-officials. So that we could understand the mindscape of the scholar-officials in Min in the period of Emperor Wanli in Ming Dynasty. There are cultural implications in the connections between food and geography. The tradition of litchi writing has formed some kind of hometown consciousness. Litchi is not only a seasonal fruit in Min, but also is an intermedium of literary activities. Furthermore, it is a cultural symbol used to express a relationship of competitions with other areas. Hometown landscape is a conceptualized image and origin of cultural memories. People would have a different sight line to their hometown while they write on their hometown from a different place out of the hometown. We could see the scholar-officials were mean to reveal the connection between hometown officials and themselves, and to express their attachments to place. For those traveling scholar-officials, the memory and identification of hometown is a marking of growing up, a topography of space and a life field of reality. This essay attempts to structure the local consciousness and explore the literary and cultural implications in the texts of these three traveling scholar-officials.
起訖頁 1-27
關鍵詞 宦遊荔枝武夷地景Travel of scholar-officialslitchiWuyiSceneryMin
刊名 國文學報  
期數 201606 (59期)
出版單位 國立臺灣師範大學國文學系
該期刊-下一篇 黃宗羲《易學象數論》的治《易》特色析論




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