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A Study of Added-Value and its Promotion for Government Open Data of Arts and Culture
作者 楊美雪陳家瑜趙以寧陳映蓉黃郁涵楊禮鴻
本研究透過深度訪談了解政府對於藝文開放資料及其加值應用的政策與推廣,並以內容分析法分析目前國內政府藝文開放資料網站之現況。根據訪談得知,政府藝文資料的開放政策是儘量將政府資料全部公開,但目前沒有開放資料專法。政府資料的開放由國發會負責,並透過政府內部的分工共同推廣。在加值應用方面,受訪者建議,政府應站在輔導的角色,提供完整的資料,讓民間充分發揮。目前加值應用採多元的發展,由工業局負責與民間產業共同合作推廣。內容分析結果顯示,政府藝文開放資料以文化資產類最多,大部分網站熱門資料以 JSON 及 XML 格式為主。總體而言,文化資產類為所有熱門資料的冠軍,所提供之APP 類別以傳統民俗藝術類為最多。
pen government data is becoming a global trend. With social change and economic development in Taiwan, people are becoming more open to participating in the arts and cultural activities. Though the Taiwan government puts great effort into the Open Data of arts and culture, a well-organized integration platform is lacking which is problematic.
Through interviewing government officials, scholars, and application program developers, the implementation strategies and expansion policy of the Open Data of arts and culture were revealed. By content analysis, this study discovered the current status of the Open Data of arts and culture in Taiwan. The results are as follows:1. First, though it is legal to release the data, the lack of regulations leads to inadequate openness. 2. In terms of promotion, all current promotions of governmental arts and cultural data consist of competition and cooperation with civil organizations. To promote accessibility and ensure users can find and understand the data, it is recommended the government unify all open data platforms. 3.Only six websites provided an application for download; of those, four applications have not been updated in over six months. 4.Of the various categories in “Open Government Data Websites”, data pertaining to “cultural heritage” are the most numerous. “Artist-in-Residence” and “Book Store” type data are the least numerous. 5.In terms of APP categories, “traditional arts” make up the highest number in “Open Government Data Websites”.
起訖頁 23-42
關鍵詞 政府開放資料藝文開放資料開放資料加值推廣Open Government DataOpen Data of Arts and CultureOpen Data Added Value
刊名 臺中教育大學學報:人文藝術類  
期數 201706 (31:1期)
出版單位 國立臺中教育大學
該期刊-上一篇 創造力自我效能之成份涵義及與陶藝造形創造力之相關性研究
該期刊-下一篇 同志悲歌及其純愛:論邱妙津《鱷魚手記》、《蒙馬特遺書》的動物意象、性別政治與情感象徵




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