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Fun of eating activity at the Taoyuan Happy elementary school
作者 周文文
為了養成學生良好用餐習慣,快樂國小於103學年度推行用餐指導「吃飯趣」活動,活動設計加入禪修裡「專注」和「放鬆」的方法。希望學生能從容不迫地、細嚼慢嚥享用午餐。活動期間為103學年度,以五、六年級學生為研究對象。活動成效在質性結果方面使用Donabedian的Structure-Process-Outcomemodel 的評價模式。護理師自評,在人力資源運用方面,全校老師和社區義工參與教具設計和進行教學活動;在物力資源運用方面,海報和進餐引導語音檔由義工製作;在財力資源運用方面,由學校經費支出;在時間分配管理方面,進餐引導語音檔花4個月完成。老師的回饋,75%的老師觀察到學生逐漸養成良好用餐行為,用餐速度變慢、細嚼慢嚥,秩序安靜、用餐氣氛更融洽,飯後不做劇烈運動等。學生回饋,78.1%的學生覺得學了吃飯趣的吃飯方法後,自己以前吃飯和現在吃飯有一些改變。包括,吃飯速度變慢、知道要咬久一點、注意吃進什麼食物、慢慢吃出菜的味道、現在慢慢吃飯肚子不痛了等。量性結果,吃飯趣執行能力量表前測資料與後測之差距進行相依樣本t檢定檢測,結果發現前後測得分差距並無顯著差異(t=-0.98, P=0.33)。
In order to develop students' good eating habits, Happy Elementary School implemented the dining guide "Fun of Eating Activity" which was designed to add "concentration" and "relaxation" of the meditation in the 103 academic year. We hope that the students can eat lunch leisurely and slowly. The research is focusing on the fifth and sixth grade students who were in the 103 academic year. The qualitative results of the activity were evaluated by Donabedian's Structure-Process-Outcome model. The nurse's self-evaluation: 1. In terms of human resources, school teachers and community volunteers participated in the design of teaching aids and activities. 2. In terms of material resources, the volunteers prepared the posters and voice guidance files. 3. In terms of financial resources, it was sponsored by the school. 4. In terms of time management, it took four months to complete the voice guidance files. Seventy five percent of teachers observed students gradually developed good dining habits, eating, chewing and swallowing slowly, orderly and quietly. Dining time had a better cordial, and no one did intense exercise after the meal. Seventy-eight percent of students thought they ate more slowly, chewed longer, paid more attention to eat, and felt the taste of food. They even no longer had stomachache. The quantitative results of the activity were made by comparing the two dependent samples t-tests by the pre-test and post-test of the "Fun of Eating Activity" measurement data. There was no significant difference between the pre-test and post-test data (t=-0.98, P=0.33).
起訖頁 81-96
關鍵詞 午餐教育用餐指導專注力放鬆禪修Lunch educationdining guideconcentrationrelaxationmeditation
刊名 學校衛生  
期數 201606 (68期)
出版單位 中華民國學校衛生學會
該期刊-上一篇 青少年動態通學、身體活動與健康體位之探討




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