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The Influence of the Threat of Losing Clients, Client Importance, and Accounting Firm Size on Auditor Independence
作者 王翰屏簡俱揚
The study investigates whether auditors are inclined to allow the client to adopt aggressive reporting when a thigh risk of losing the client. The study was based on a case concerning the recognition of provisions. Two hundred practicing auditors in our experiment determined the amount of decommissioning obligation of the client’s power plant. The results indicate that auditors in the Big Four CPA firms are inclined to accept lower decommissioning obligations when the risk of losing the client is high, whereas auditors in non-Big Four accounting firms are inclined to accept lower decommissioning obligations regardless of the risk of losing the client. Nonetheless, the client importance (the revenue contribution of the client to the audit firm) does not influence auditors’ decision. Our results also show that auditors will tend to justify their decisions by citing the vagueness inherent in IFRS (i.e. whether a reliable estimate of amount of obligation can be made) .
起訖頁 33-53
關鍵詞 失去客戶之威脅客戶重要性會計師事務所規模審計人員獨立性threat of losing clientsclient importanceaccounting firm sizeauditor independence
刊名 當代會計  
期數 201705 (18:1期)
出版單位 淡江大學會計學系
該期刊-上一篇 被投資國家競爭力與企業績效之研究
該期刊-下一篇 資訊服務品質、持續性稽核與組織績效間之關聯研究--以國軍主財雲端資訊系統為例




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