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「社區」如何被研究:1960-1970 年代的研究取徑及其內容
How Communities were Studied? Three Approaches to Community Studies in Taiwan in the 1960s and the 1970s
作者 蔡嘉信
本文爬梳1960-1970 年代期間社區研究在臺灣的三個研究取徑,從中發現每個研究取徑所承繼的學術傳統、方法論以及代表性主題。本文指認出的三個研究取徑為社會學取徑、人類學取徑以及跨學科取徑。社會學取徑的研究受人文區位學與社會調查傳統所影響,代表性主題包含社區基圖、區位結構、社區發展等;人類學取徑的社區研究,受功能論的影響並承繼中國社區研究與臺灣本土傳統,代表性主題包含社區全貌、家族、宗族、宗教、祖先崇拜、祭祀圈等;跨學科研究取徑仿效當時的新興學科行為科學且受功能理論影響,代表性主題是社區權力結構和社會態度等。作者期待這個初步的文獻整理,能提供一個認識臺灣社區研究的基本架構。
In this article, I trace three research approaches to community studies in Taiwan in the 1960s and the 1970s, and they are sociological approach, anthropological approach, and interdisciplinary approach. I examine what academic tradition and methodology were sourced, and what issues were conducted in each approach. The first, sociological approach to community studies, drew on the discipline of human ecology and the tradition of social survey; its main issues included social base map, ecological structure, and community development. Secondly, anthropological approach, drew on functionalism, the Yenching School and the tradition of Han Chinese society studies; its main issues included a holistic community, family, lineage, religion, ancestor worship, and religious sphere. Finally, the interdisciplinary approach to community studies, drew on the discipline of behavioral science and functionalism; its main issues included the community power structure, social attitude. Overall, the article provides a picture of the first two-decade history of community studies in Taiwan since 1960 largely building on methodology of human ecology and functionalism, the tradition of social survey, Yenching School and Han Chinese society studies, and also various issues.
起訖頁 291-331
關鍵詞 社區研究社區人類學社會學Community StudiesCommunityAnthropologySociology
刊名 思與言  
期數 201606 (54:2期)
出版單位 思與言雜誌社
該期刊-上一篇 傳播賦權視角下的公民新聞實踐:以臺灣PeoPo公民新聞平臺及公民記者為例




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